➳ six

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Y/N woke with her head pounding. The door was also pounding.


Y/N groaned and got up looking around. Her clothes were everywhere and there was dirt on her white clothes.

She groaned and stumbled to the door to open it. Instead of finding the princess she found the master staring at her.

"Huh?" she asked in a haze, blinking.

"The princess is asking for you.." he said. He didn't look happy being used as a messenger.

Y/N nodded quickly and went to shoo him away.

She bowed then but lost her balance and fell face first onto the ground.

"Yahhh!" she shrieked and footsteps faded laughing.

"Shouldn't have drunk too much.." he laughed grimly and Y/N sat up, rubbing her head.



As if.

But why is my head hurting.

Why dont I remember anything.???!!

Maybe I fell asleep.

"-whats happening to me.." she groaned and fell back when two feet placed themselves in front of her.

"Who are you?" asked a deep voice and Y/N looked up to see a handsome man. She blushed brightly. Embarrassed at her state and stumbled up.

"No one.." she mumbled and went to shut the door when he stuck his foot in the door.

"Ouch.." he mumbled and forced the door open. The man regarded her carefully and then winked.

"Your cute.." he said and flashed her a smile.


She glared at him and pushed him away.

"Wait-let me introduce myself! I'm Soo-ho-"

"I dont careee" she said and rolled her eyes giggling. He was cute.

"Wait who are you?" he asked from the other side.

"No onee," she replied smiling as she changed her clothes into her black ones.

He continued knocking and she ignored it.

The knocking suddenly stopped and voice were heard outside.

"What are you doing?" said a cold voice and a bright voice replied. Soo-ho.

"I was wondering who this beautiful girl is!" he replied and a "oof" was heard.

"You creep."

"Am not-"

"Are so-"

"Your the creep, you cold bastard."

"Bah-at least I have dignity and I don't go flirting with every girl I see!" snapped back the cold voice.

"STOP ARGUING!" a new soothing voice interrupted. It seemed soft and relaxing.

"Please boys, lets go to breakfast.."

The other voices grunted and soon left.

Y/N rolled her eyes and placed the black veil over her nose and mouth, straightened her back and took a deep breathe.

"Lets go."

She attached her black sword and opened the door.

The sunlight was warm on her face and Y/N allowed herself to smile to herself, enjoying the peace. The wind blew through her hair again and she sighed.

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