➳ four

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Y/N gently closed the princesses door and sighed. She walked into her place and took of her black clothes. She then changed into pure whit clothes and let her hair down, removing the veil. 

Serving the princess was demanding. The princess wanted a guard who was lethal, talented, above-standard in sword skills, quiet, obedient,loyal and ruthless. 

Y/N was none of those things. 

But she had been forced to accompany the princess on her trip anyways and the princess had forced her to learn all these skills. Now, she was said to be the finest of warriors in the country. All because of the training that stupid princess made her do.

Now, she was an even better kill then the princess. 

Looks I actually have talent.

She smiled and grinned. 

She absolutely wasn't even close to what character she portrayed herself during that day. During the day, Y/N was quiet, deadly and mean.

At night when she could be herself she brought laughter and love to anyone she met.

She stepped out of her room and walked out. The wind was cold but it felt relaxing on her face.

She sighed as the wind flew through her hair and blew around her. She walked out, barefoot on the cold path, her feet tingling at the sharp coldness of the gravel under feet. The moon was shining brightly. Y/N brought her silver bracelet on her wrist to her eye level and sighed.

Where was the king?

That was the only thing which stayed on her mind everyday. The thought that the boy who she had pulled pranks on and laughed with, cried with, made promises with, was  somewhere out in the world. Growing up without her, maybe even falling in love without her, maybe he had forgotten her. 

Who knew. 

She frowned and looked down sadly. 

Y/N continued walking when she saw a figure standing above her. It was the master of the Hwarang House. 

She waved at hi cheerfully and he looked at her looked away and then looked at her again weirdly. He gestured for her to come up and she hurried up the steps. 

"What are you doing here?" asked the master and Y/N bowed.

"Hello sir,  my name is Y/N, I am the princesses personal guard!" she announced and bowed again.

He frowned at her, looking her up and down.

"You look different.." he said blinking when Y/N realised he was drunk.

"Uhm...yes sir, I am wearing WHITE clothes now.." she said loudly nodding and he burped and groaned.

He nodded and then gestured inside of his office and stumbled in. 

Y/N looked around shocked but amused. She followed him inside and watched him pour himself a drink from a fancy clear drink bottle.

"Want some?" he asked and offered Y/N the bottle.

She stared at him for a while and he didn't budge.

"Sure.." she said after a while, shrugging. 

"It shouldnt be that strong should it?" she muttered a took a swig. 


"Brinnnnnnnng -i-t ooN eh!" she slurred talking to the pole as she stumbled out. One sip had been enough to make her unaware of her surroundings but yet she had kept on drinking. 

The master was already asleep, snoring but Y/N was stumbling around in the dark. 

She hit the pole with her sword and it made a clanging sound.

"Oooh, so you want to-o fight m-me??" she hiccuped and pointed at the pole.

"I-i dont want to k-kill you!" she added.

She pushed herself off the pole and staggered down the steps slipping multiple times. 

Suddenly she ran into something hard and fell down on her butt. 

"Owowowow," she whispered, tears appearing into her wide eyes and she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh-sorry!" said a voice above her and warm hands engulfed her, lifting her up.

Y/N stared into soft brown eyes.

They looked ever so familiar. 

The man shook her slightly.

"Who are you?" he asked looking concerned and she giggled.

"OOh a handsome man wants to know who-who I AM!" she snorted and flung her head back laughing.

His face frowned and looked around.

His eyes searched her body and fell at her wrist. 

"Y/N?" he whispered and Y/N swung her head back to look him in the eye.

"Howwww do you know m-my name?" she said eyeing him and his face became flustered and he stuttered.

"Ah-the-the princess told us-!" he said quickly and released her causing her to fall back down.

"Yahh!" she screeched on the floor and started bawling her eyes out. 

"Don't  cry!" he said quickly and picked her up again. 

"Your so drunk.." he muttered and pushed her forward, gesturing for her too walk. 

She shook her head and clung onto his arm.

"I can't walk.." she whined and leaned onto the man.

The young handsome man sighed shaking his head and leaned forward so their noses were touching. For some reason a blush spread from her cheeks down to her neck an Y/N pushed him away.

"Yahh !! what are you doinnng??" she shrieked and fell down again.

"Are you always this annoying!!" he said said looking down. He went to walk off when she lunged at him grabbing his leg.

"Please-please help meee" she whispered and he looked down.

"Im going to kill the master i swear to god.. "he sighed and crouched down.

"Why are you wearing white clothes?" he asked out of the blue.

She frowned.

"Why are you asking me this?" she replied cheekily and he went to get up when she grabbed his arm causing him to come back down to her.

"Pick me up!" she ordered and he looked at her weirdly.

She pouted and he shook his head and went to pick her up.

She let him but he lost his balance and fell down with her.

"How are you Hwarang if you can't even pick a girl up?" she mumbled and he glared at her.

"Your really annoying."

"Yours stupid!" she snarled back.

"No-your stupid!!" he shrieked and this time picked up up bridal style.

He walked her too her room when she shook her head.

"No take me to the pond.." she whispered and he sighed.

"Your heavy.." he said while he walked struggling slightly.

"No-your just really weak!" she shot back pouting.

"And your drunk.." he said looking down at her.

There noses were touching again and Y/N could feel his warm breathe on her neck. The alcohol in her body seemed to making her even more bolder tonight because suddenly she leaned forward and pecked his soft beckoning lips.

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