"Everyone else in the room could see it"

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I woke up to a bright light shining brightly through the window, rolling over and expecting to see Harry sleeping peacefully.


also dont delete my amazing notes to you like last time or i will literally strange you.

Quietly, I slipped out of the comfort of the warm sheets and padded to the bathroom.

After finishing my morning business, I briskly walked over to Harry's room ( y know cuz he's in love or whatever chris says ) and raised my hand to knock on the door but dropped my hand when I heard Harry's raspy voice allowing sobs to fall.

"I- I just don't understand, Niall. ( i also ship narry more than larry idk why okay dont attack me but as friends sorta like not as a romantic relationship but just a bromance )

"I really didn't mean to fart. It's just, he said I could've held it in but the thing is, there are times when you just can't hold it in, you know? And- and I don't know why he got so mad about it, it was just a fart. And I know it probably didn't smell the best but I'm human, and humans fart, right?"

He let out another loud muffled sob and I could just imagine Niall's arms wrapped around his body, tears staining his shirt, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of evil jealousy.

"Aw Harry, don't cry. And yes, all humans fart. I think. I'm sure Louis just didn't enjoy the experience, and let his anger take control of him." a soothing Irish accent replied.

I scowled.

Niall didn't know anything.

I actually enjoyed the fart, thank you very much.

I mean, HARRY STYLES farted in my face, who wouldn't want that?

ya happy Chris he enjoyed the fart now its lustful :)

But it would be extremely awkward if I acted like everything was okay, right? Then wouldn't Harry think I was too easy? Maybe it would be better if I did.

"C'mon Harry. Let's go get some McDonalds. Food will make you feel better."

Another sniffle, and I swear my heart dropped miles down and crashed in my stomach so loud they could hear it from the other side of the door.

"Okay." Harry's broken voice managed to croak out.

And then I ran away. 

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