leaning in

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(Louis' point of view)
Today was just... I don't know... amazing.

Today on stage in Paris, I pantsed Harry and hoped to see that thicc butt because I couldn't take it anymore but he farted, in my face. I felt the breeze kiss my face so gently and wondered how it would feel if we were together (dare I say) as a couple. I think Harry likes me but I'm not too sure. We can't tell anyone because that would ruin the whole One Direction style because that's what we're all about- girls and loving girls, not boys, girls. This thought sickened me and I don't think I can ever get out of this but I wish I could find a loophole out of this. Maybe I'm a bisexual? I dunno... one thing I know is that I like boys and I'm not changing that. Back to what happened. Harry asked to be forgiven and I pulled him aside and accepted his apology... obviously. He put his face close to mine and took a deep breath close to me, I thought we would kiss but he backed away and left the storage cabinet we were in. This scarred me, so awkward, I leaned in and he WALKED AWAY, what would you do if you were rejected like that??? I can't stand the thought of him not liking me. I give him so much fucking reasons to like me, I'm nice, confident, and funny. I ALSO give him multiple hints too, like staring at him and literally leaning in for a kiss like I just told you! I can't live with this damaging thought of Harry not liking me...

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