What's in a name

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After entering my address in her GPS, I sat back in her comfortable car. With a smile she started the car and our ride began. Silence engulfed the car as her focus was on the road. I took the time to give her the once-over.

I couldn't deny that she was extremely attractive. Hazel eyes would illuminate as on coming cars would pass. Her body, long and lean, navigated the car smoothly as we hit the freeway on ramp. Her soft grip on the steering wheel as she turned, the letting it smoothly turn back to it's starting position. She didn't seem flustered or uncomfortable, just focused. Her concentrated stare on the road took me back to the dance floor. I had felt trapped in her stare. Captivated almost, as she stood looking at me like I was everything she ever wanted. I was almost glad when the eye contact was broken, but then realized who I was dancing with.

Shawna had met some girl in the club, and they hit it off. Within seconds my friend was making out with the gold grilled girl in a corner. The girl's friend thought she had a chance, but she had been overly aggressive. Part of the reason she ended up on the ground. The only thing troubling me was that Shawna never left me before. It was our unspoken rule that we always stick together at the club. Either something had gone wrong, or my friend had left me for some pussy for the first time. Regardless, I was disappointed and worried.

Ashton glanced at me with a slick smile, "So can I know your name?"

"And what would you use it for?" I responded.

"To start conversation?" She shrugged and said.

"We don't need to talk."

"Ouch." She laughed out. It was hearty and full of mirth. It made you feel like laughing even if you didn't know what for. It almost seemed fake, but I knew it wasn't since I had heard it twice before.

"Well do you mind telling me your name for my safety?"

"Your safety?" I asked totally confused.

"Yes, I did just watch you knock the shit out of someone in front of my club and you are currently holding my ID hostage."

"Wait your club?"

"Yeah." She said simply, her charming dimpled smile never leaving her face.

"In that case, hell no."

She laughed again, this time her head tilting back slightly. "Can I at least ask why?"

"Cause I really don't have time for an assault charge. Plus, if you were so scared why give me a ride?"

"Because I wanted to know you." Her words held a different tone from the playful one she had before. It made me just as uncomfortable as her stare.

"Why would you want to know me?" I asked afraid of the answer. She turned to me at a red light, her eyes the color of honey in the darkness.

"Because... because I want to know if you are as beautiful as I think you are." She then refocused on the road.

We spent the next minutes in silence until she parked in my driveway. She turned to me again. "So you are not going to tell me your name are you?"

"No." Was my response as I pulled her ID from my purse. She took it and grasped my hand in hers. With pleading eyes she just uttered, "Please."

My heart started to bang on my chest. Staring into her eyes I was seconds from giving in. Flashes of my past relationships stilled my heart. I wouldn't give in that quickly.

I leaned forward, inches away from honey dripped eyes and pink full lips. "You really want to know?" I said with an arched brow.

"Yes." She whispered creating a knot in my stomach. I placed my hands on her face, bringing her so close that all I had to do was whisper. I licked my lips, and watched as her eyes darkened to a sienna brown.

"Then, you'll just have to work for it." She bit her bottom lip, as I released her. "Thanks for the ride." I said exiting the car. I walked to my door and let myself in. Noticing that she didn't back out until my door was closed behind me. I slid to the floor. I know I played the moment cooly, but my insides we're a nervous wreck.

I immediately FaceTime Shawna. Her worried face appeared on screen. Car lights flashing in the background.

"Where the fuck are you?" She said over enunciating each word.

"No, bitch where the fuck are you?"

"What did I say Simon says repeat after me? I go outside to smoke a blunt, and your ass turns into a ghost! I looked all over that club! Then come outside, and that bitch's friend is being loaded in to an ambulance! I've been riding around the block looking for your ass! I thought somebody took you!"

I breathed a deep sigh. "That bitch tried to play me. So I knocked her ass out."

"Shit! Where are you?"

"At home."

"Wait at home. What the fuck did you do, uber?"

"No, I caught a ride."

"What type of white nonsense is that? You don't just get in the car with anybody! You trying to be trafficked?"

"Obviously, I can take care of myself or they wouldn't have been carrying that asshole away on a stretcher. I'll have to tell you about this later, I'm too tired."

"Alright boo, get some rest. But we will talk about this! We gone have to have the stranger danger talk again."

"Bye girl."

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