Meet Cute

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After a grueling day at work I head over to Strange. I needed a drink and to check in on the books and orders. I walked in to find Nikki the bar manager up front.

"Hello gorgeous." I said as I slid on to a stool.

She leaned over placing her head on her hand. "Well hello handsome. What brings you by?"

"Aside from the company of a beautiful bar manager a drink, and paperwork."

"Well I can help with two of those. You want the usual?" She chirped, springing into action.

"Mmmm yes." I could taste the White Russian already.

I watched Nikki as she busied herself making my drink. Her beautiful chocolate skin, glowing under the lights. Full lips and shapley body. God, why did all these beautiful women work for me. Me eyes traveled back to hers. She held a knowing look on her face. I licked my lips and shrugged. I was not ashamed of staring, she looked incredible. Plus, it was harmless I would never make a move. Rule number 2 of business, never shit where you eat. She smirked and I immediately spoke.

"New uniforms?"

She let out a silvery laugh. "No, but I have been working out so I was able to get a smaller shirt." She said placing my drink in front of me. I took a few sips.

Nikki cleaned up from making my drink and continued on her pre opening work. I watched as she moved gracefully behind the bar. Her every step calculated from muscle memory. I could tell that her body seemed tighter toned.

I snapped out of my haze, and finished the rest of my drink quickly. "Well whatever you are doing, it's working." I said sliding the glass in front of me. "Very hard to take my eyes off of you."

She turned to me with a sexy smirk. She walked over to retrieve my glass then licked her lips, and leaned over again. My eyes roamed downward with no restraint. A heavenly view blessed them as they arrived to their destination. After a few seconds I felt a hand lift my chin.

"You should get to that paperwork." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Thanks for the drink." I said while walking away shaking my head.

I worked tirelessly on organising the events calendar, verifying if all the social media had been updated, reviewing bills of lading, and lastly reviewing inventory. I walked around checking cleanliness and then a quick staff meeting. Once I was done tying up loose ends it was 11 and the club was in full swing.

I checked in with Nikki, smoothly flirting for another White Russian. Then decided to people watch.

People watching at a club is the best. All inhibitions are let down and you get to see people's true nature. The way the music changes the vibe, and movement of bodies. I observed the normal things drunk friends who don't know that they have had enough. What looked to be a stud fingering a girl against a wall. And then her.

There she was in the middle of the dance floor. Her body moving with so much rhythm that it seemed like she was making the music. Her hands running themselves along her enticing body up to her long curly hair. Her eyes were closed as if she was trying to become one with the music. Blocking all the madness of the club. Then her eyes opened and they we're directly on me. Grey eyes evaluted me throughly. She did not even seem startled that I was staring so intensely. In fact it seemed to make her move more senually.

My mouth was dry, and my hands began to shake. I could not move my gaze, and her return stare was steadfast. Something in my mind clicked. Almost as if I needed to talk to her. I needed to at least know her name. As I began to move my heart started to race. I gripped my drink tightly to control the shaking in my hands. Five steps away the tether was broken. A female came and wrapped her arms around the goddess' waist and began to dance with her.

I blinked back the sting, almost wanting to cry. I swiftly made my way to the office. My breath was short, and my hands still trembled. It had been a long time since I felt that way. I collected myself and decided it was time to go. I walked to the front and waited for the valet to bring my car.

I stood there letting the night breeze and sounds soothe me. Then I heard the club doors open. I turned slowly, but my heart almost stopped when I saw her.

She was walking hurriedly, and with a purpose. Then I noticed a girl following her.

"Hey! How you just gone walk away! Don't you hear me I'm talking to you!" The girl said grabbing her arm.

Again they were 5 steps away. I had to move quick. But before I could move my feet, a voice smooth as honey but laced with venom said, "My name isn't hey, and I told you I'm looking for my friend."

My feet moved forward as I decided to step in. "Something wrong?" I interrupted crossing my arms over my chest to seem more menacing.

The girl shook out of the other girl's grip with a jerk. "I was just trying to find my friend, and someone was interfering." She said casting a glare.

The second girl huffed, and stated, "Bitch I already told you..."

Before she could get the rest out, she was silenced by a jab. The door man came rushing to her aid, and carrying her away. I looked to the steel grey eyes filled with anger. "I guess damsel in distress is not a thing anymore?" I said with a chuckle.

She turned to me eyes still ablaze, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

I laughed. It was something about this beautiful creature, having a mouth like a tug boat captain that turned me on. Laughing had always been my nervous way of averting that tension.

"Here I was trying to step in and make myself look good, but now I'm just scared."

She arched an eyebrow, "What didn't want to look like a staring perv?"

I could not help but let out another laugh. "The sincerity in your voice let's me know that you really mean that."

She seemed to relax. All be it only a little. We stood there for a moment. I was wrapped up again in her eyes. The grey had lightened, and they almost looked blue. Her stare still intense evaluating me as if I was a book she was deciding if she wanted to read. I was then tapped on the shoulder by the valet. I smiled a thanks, then turned back to notice she was walking towards the bus stop.

"Excuse me!" I called out.

She turned but did not say a word.

"Do you not have a ride?"

She snorted a laugh, "Yeah the bus."

"You know the bus stops running at 12 for this line right?"

"Shit." She muttered. "Uber it is."

"I can give you a ride." Tumbled out of my mouth immediately.

"Give me your driver's license."


"Give it to me." She said holding her hand out. I removed my ID from my wallet and placed it in her hands. She reviewed it, looking back and forth between me and the piece of plastic.

"You'll get this back when you drop me safely at home Ashton Brighton."

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