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I wake up to my alarm clock ringing

I smack my hand down on it and get up and go to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and feel diseased.An ombré haired girl with foggy eyes stare right back at me.I have a long scar that goes from my left eyebrow and slants across my whole face.It got so infected that it made me blind because of it.

Yes I'm blind but I can see because I know the town like the back of my hand.As I washed my face I took a quick shower then picked out my clothing.

I picked a White bra and panties,grey long sleeved hoodie,Grey sweat pants,and white converse.I put on my silver round glasses that help nothing but I wear them anyways and grab my grey and black book bag.I put up my hood and leave my room with my phone in hand.

I head downstairs and make my father breakfast,grab him a beer,and a napkin while stuffing my phone inside my book bag and heading outside with an energy bar in hand.

I get to the bus and sit in the very back.


Once I'm in class the teacher walks in and faces us with pink slips in hand."Good morning class.We have decided that we will be going to Canp Crystal Lake FridayFor our fried trip.We stay for a week so pack.(it's Wednesday)So bring the slips back tomorrow while they're signed.Brian,can you pass these out."The teacher asks while Brian nods.

Once I get there I'm immediately grabbed by my hair and slammed into the wall and kicked in the ribs.I scream in agony.He punches me in my nose and gives me a black eye.

He slams me on the floor and spits at me"Serves you right whore!I want you out of this house!""S sir I have a s slip t to Camp Crystal L Lake.Its for a w week.I c can s stay th there and j journey from th ere."I say quietly.

Sir/my dad stops and thinks for a moment then he smiles evilly."Okay slut.You can go.Now where is the slip so I can get your ass out of here!"Sir asks evilly."H here."I say handing him my slip.

He signs it with no care,then leaves to go to a bar.I go upstairs and do my homework then pack it away inside my folder then go to the bathroom and get out my small but super sharp knife and cut.

After a few minutes it wash my bloody hand up,clean the blood on the tiles,then put away my knife and change into my bra and panties and sleep.

Jason Voorhees X Cutting GirlWhere stories live. Discover now