Olympian problems

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Hestias POV

I had just arrived back from burying Percy's parents and I was called to Olympus for a meeting. Poseidon has called a meeting because he felt a disturbance in his domain. Of course, I knew who it was and it seemed Poseidon was beginning to figure it out. "I think it could've been Percy, Zeus could you call Camp Half-Blood."                                                                                                    

Zeus has changed for the better after the Second Giant War and has become a thoughtful king rather than a king with a large ego. While he wouldn't admit it,  Zeus called the camp, wanting to know what happened to his favorite nephew. Upon calling the camp Zeus asked where Percy was.

Suddenly all the campers started screaming words of disgust such as "he ruined my flowers" and "he gave us away during our prank". Everybody was saying evil words until Clarisee spoke up "Percy wasn't even here how can he do all those things and he would never do that." Some of the campers put on a thoughtful expression until the Aphrodite boy who was kissing Annabeth said Ya, but I saw him do it, it was all just a lie." The only people who weren't here were the hunters of Artemis due to the fact that Artemis didn't know what it was about and wasn't asked to bring them. There was a pink glow surrounding the boy who I think is Justin. Suddenly Aphrodite screamed, "Justin Mcree what have you done".

All of the Olympians including me gave her questioning looks so she started explaining. "Early in my immortal life I learned I could change the love from 1 person to another. Therefore I could cause the love of another person to go down while I could also increase the love of another person. I knew that some of my children could have these powers." "For once you said something smart," Artemis said.

"This is not a time for jokes Artemis" That shut Artemis up so Aphrodite continued. "Because I knew that some of my children might have these powers I asked the fates for help. They said it was destiny but they'll try to stop it for a longer time if I acted like the way I've been acting. Now I see that this power is finally in one of my children. Though there is one thing." At this point all the campers and Olympians are dumbfounded and Justin was trying to look brave but was failing miserably. "What is that," Zeus asked. "The people who are beginning to hate the person they used to love to have to have some sort of hate in them. They also need to have some love for the person receiving all the love." Aphrodite said. All the Olympians all looked at there children shocked except the Romans who weren't present and Leo, Clarisse, Chris, and Nico who wasn't at camp-half-blood during the betrayal. "How could you even hate my son even so little."

"Most of us lost someone in the war and blamed Percy and Justin's supposed rampage probably began before he started using this spell" Malcolm stated a little teary eyed.

"Could you reverse the effects?" I said. Aphrodite waved her hand and all the campers except Annabeth, Chris, Clarisse, and Justin had confused looks until realization dawned on them. They were all sad and were asking where Percy was so they could fix it. People were also giving Annabeth angry glares because she cheated on Percy on her own will. Finally, the Stolls spoke up "We will apologize to Percy when he gets back".

"Sadly I don't think Percy is coming back," Chiron said then he read the letter                                          

Hello Chiron or whoever is reading this, know that I didn't do anything that you are blaming me for. I will probably not return to camp due to too many bad memories. Now Chiron because I think you're reading this I thought of you as a third father. I hope the campers are happy that I'm gone.

From Your dear ex-Friend; Percy Jackson

P.S. Annabeth I will never ever love you again after what you did to me.

By the end of the letter, most campers were silently crying or openly sobbing. "I think there is another reason Percy might not come back," Hades said looking at Poseidon with pity. "And why is that Hades," Poseidon said confused. "2 souls just entered the underworld and they are Paul Blowfis and Sally Jackson" Hades then looked at Poseidon for his reaction.

Poseidon started bawling his eyes out so I went and comforted him After he stopped crying he thanked me then I went back to my throne. (Percy got Hades and Hestia thrones back on Olympus) I wondered what Percy was doing because I decided that he should rescue demigods.

Percy's POV

Hestia or mom gave me a mission to get a demigod who resides in the Hamptons on Long Island.  When I got there I saw a pretty nice house and luckily no horrible smell which means there is no smelly Gabe type figure. The demigod turned out to be a son of Poseidon so I dropped him off at camp. I would drop off boys at camp along with girls with no abusive parents though if the parents were abusive I dropped them off with the hunt. I made a name for myself across the mythological world and became Telos or end because I'm the end of most monsters.

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