Chapter Seven: Into The Lion's Den Like An Idiot In Horror Movies

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Jessica lifted her bag of supplies over her shoulder, thoughts running wild through her mind as she thought through every possible scenario that could end badly.
Then she thought about the voice that had spoken in her head at Wayne Manor and how urgent it sounded.

It spoke about how she had to go into the Labyrinth. Jessica wasn't sure of anyone involved with demigod business who could telepathically message you besides gods. So if the voice belonged to a god, then why couldn't they have made the message less static-y. They wanted her help but were literally no help themselves.

Typical gods, Jessica thought bitterly, a bitter look on her face, as she bitterly walked out of her cabin and closed the door behind her.

You'd think the voice would also include what she was looking for, right? But no, everything related to Godly shit had to be complicated and full of hidden mysteries.

Jessica was hopeful but also doubtful that a nice, friendly god that wasn't going to threaten to kill you, was going to pop out of the nearby bushes and give you a boatload of information, advice, maps, and even figure out the prophecy for you, for free. Even if it wasn't for free, shit like that doesn't happen in the life of a demigod according to the books.

She glared up at the clear, blue sky above her, resisting the urge in her middle finger on the right hand.

Jessica was the first to arrive at Thalia's Tree. She leant against the tree, the bark scratching her shoulder a bit as she looked around and just noticed Jasmine withdrawing from Clarisse, the solemn looks on their faces. Jessica didn't get to see the Stolls, or any of her siblings.
Maybe it was better not to see them than to say goodbye.

She wasn't sure which was worse, saying goodbye to someone who could die any moment, or said person just suddenly disappearing and you not knowing what's happened to them.
Jessica decided not to say anything. It probably wasn't the best decision, but she was more focused on getting the prophecy out of the way.

She left a note on her bed which was a casual goodbye saying that she was going to be back soon. Jessica had a split second thought of wondering whether they would notice but she pushed it aside.

She pushed herself off the tree as Jasmine slowed to a stop in front of her. "I didn't see the Stolls, or any of my siblings." Jessica paused to think over her next words. She opened her mouth then closed it. She decided to just stay quiet and wait for Nico and Will.

Jessica's eyes were glued on the patch of wires that Jasmine kept twisting and bending in her hand. It was strangely relaxing despite the feeling of hoping something to appear out of the tangled mess only to be confused when nothing happens. Jasmine's face was relaxed and strands of hair hung in front of her pale and freckled face like messy side fringes on either side of her head.

Eventually Nico and Will arrived. "Sorry we're late. Will had to heal another patient."

"No problem." That was a problem. That was at least fifteen minutes wasted. May not seem like much but a lot can happen in fifteen minutes.

"Let's go," Jasmine said already starting to walk towards the location of the bat craft when a voice rung out.

"Jess! Wait! I'm going with you!" Jessica froze then turned around to see Caelan and Ella running towards them.


"I said I'm going with you guys," Caelan blurted out.

"What? Hell no you've only been here for a day!"

"Yeah so?"

Jessica struggled to find words, frustration visible on her face as she tried to comprehend her friend's logic. "W-what, 'so what'? You've only been here a day which means you have no idea how to fight-"


"-or how dangerous the monsters are-"

"Wrong again."

"-Or anything about the quest we're going on."

"Okay so that last part may not be wrong but I researched the Percy Jackson books without actually reading them so that I can understand what you guys were talking about in school."

Jessica glanced back at Jasmine with narrow eyes that were meant for Caelan. They both facepalmed.

"Caelan, they have a point. I've been here for almost a year and you have no experience. Plus they already have help. Just stay and wait with Miriam," Ella persuaded. "You could die."

"No! I wanna die anyway so I'm going with you guys. I don't wanna be left out again."

"Oh my gods. You're not missing out on anything, its just Jazz, Nico, Will, some others, and I."

"I'll just follow you."

"I can create illusions, Caelan."

"I'll just keep trying to follow you. And if I run into trouble then it'll be your fault."

Jessica sighed and looked at Jasmine for her thoughts on the issue. "Fine then. Looks like you're going with us."

"If Caelan's going, then so am I." Ella looked at the group as if challenging them to try and fight her decision.

"Oh great, now we can all die together! Sounds like a brilliant way to go out." Jessica threw her arms in the air in defeat. "Let's just go find Jason and Tim."

"Wait, did you literally end up in Gotham city?" Ella asked.

"Long story. We'll tell you later," Jasmine waving her hand to brush off the question. They started walking further away from the border and hiked towards the bat craft which was conveniently hidden in plain sight. Jason and Tim stepped out and greeted the group.

"Tag-alongs?" Jason raised his eyebrow before putting on his helmet.


The bat craft was left behind, which made Jessica wonder why they even needed it in the first place when they could've easily just driven. She didn't say anything about it though and started following Jasmine to where the supposed location to enter the labyrinth was.

"Here's the labyrinth, by the way," Jasmine said to Jason and Tim.

It was hidden in plain sight. Nobody would've found it unless they were searching for it or unless they fell it. It was a basically an opening next to a pile of rocks.

"Ready to get lost, become insane, and die a painful death?" Jessica asked grinning at Jasmine who slowly took a step back.

"Yes." "No." Nico and Will stared at each other with pointed looks. Ella coughed and gestured for Jessica to continue.

Jessica climbed into the opening, cautious of the jagged rocks.

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