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Fear, it's the thing we get when we're afraid.

You feel the sudden rush of adrenaline go through your veins. Causing your hands to uncontrollably start to shake.

You feel your knees start to buckle beneath you and you feel a little dizzy. Your hearts pumping so fast you can hear the beating of your heart in your ears. Your breaths are coming in sharp little gasps.

The world feels like it's closing in on you and you feel like your going to pass out. You start to breath through your mouth other than your nose.

Then, there's that small pause and you have a choice are you going to run or are you going to fight? That's what happened to me when the whole world came crashing down on me. It was like I was under this wave and it was collapsing on me.

I had a choice I could run or fight and in others peoples eyes I probably fought. I mean come on I'm going to a rehab facility. I'm fighting drugs. Going against them, getting my act together. So why in the hell do I feel like I'm running?

Because I am. I'm a coward.

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