Chapter 35

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(Y/N P

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(Y/N P.O.V)
In front of us stood a wall with two doors at either end.

"Looks like there are two ways," Sal said while looking at the two doors.

"Thank you, captain obvious," I said and he poked my side.

"Very funny. I guess we should split up"

"I was afraid you were going to say that," Larry said with a worried expression on his face.

Sal and I walked towards one door, leaving Larry in the middle of the room. As we walked away I heard him mumble 'why do these things always happen to me?'.

I pushed open the door, causing it to squeak a bit. Inside this room was three doors.

"Oh great, more doors" I mumbled as I walked towards them.

"So I guess this place is a maze?" Sal questioned as I looked into the darkness beyond the doors.

"Yeah, it looks like it."

It took us a while, but we eventually figured out the maze. We entered a room with pressure plates on the floor and a door with a gate over it.

"I'm so done with puzzles. I officially hate them" I sighed as I stepped onto the pressure plates in the floor.

The gate on the door opened after a few minutes of hopping around on the pressure plates. Larry was already waiting for us in the next room.

"Hey, good timing. I think we have to pull these levers at the same time to open that gate" Larry said while gesturing to a lever next to us.

I pulled the lever at the same time as Larry, but instead of the gate opening a little door on the floor opened.

"I think this weird hex thing, from Mrs. Packertons desk, is some kind of key," Sal said as he put the key into the slot.

The gate opened behind us and we all rushed in, but we all stopped in our tracks when we saw what was inside the room.

There were piles of skeleton bones across the room, each one had a chute above it.

"Holy, shitballs!" Larry yelled while looking around.

I looked over and spotted some purple coming from one of the piles.

"Ash!" I yelled and ran towards her, Larry and Sal right behind me.

She almost appeared dead, not responding to any of us.

"She's still breathing. Come on, help me get her up" Sal said.

We managed to pull her out of the pile of bones, waking her up in the process.

"Huh..?" Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she looked at us with a confused face.

"She's awake!" Larry said as he gently hugged her.

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