Chapter 4

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(Y/N P

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(Y/N P.O.V)
Just as Sal and I caught up to Larry, he was already shoving the baggie with the pony in it into the officers face.

"We found this in Charley's room," Larry said, not giving any details at all to the officer. I rolled my eyes and was about to speak up, but Sal beat me to it.

"Me and (y/n) were visiting Charley when she noticed the pony had blood on it. We all came to the conclusion that Charley must've had something to do with Mrs. Sanderson, so I quickly grabbed the pony with that bag" Sal said to the officer.

"Well, great work kids! It looks like we have some new detectives around here" he smiled at us and walked off with the evidence.

"I'm gonna head back to my room, see ya later," Larry said as he walked off, leaving me and Sal alone.

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk outside, I don't think I've even stepped a foot outta here yet," Sal said, "Care to join me?" He added.

"Yeah sure, I could use some fresh air," I said while smiling at him.

As we walked outside, I saw a police car and an ambulance parked beside the building. We started walking past the police car when I noticed who was inside. I tugged on Sal's sleeve and he stopped and noticed too.

Charley was giving us a death stare from inside the police car. "I guess our plan worked," Sal said to me and I nodded. "I thought we were friends! Why would you do this to me? I'm innocent! I swear!!" Charley cried from inside the car.

I was about to say something back to him, but Sal pulled my arm and led me to the ambulance, obviously wanting to look inside but didn't want to leave me alone with Charley, even if he was locked up in a car.

We both looked into the ambulance at the same time, and I really wish I didn't. Inside the ambulance was Mrs. Sanderson's body. She was in a body bag, but for some reason, her head was exposed. Her mouth was open and her eyes were rolled back into her head, her head and neck were cut open and she was a sickly green colour. She must've been out here for a few days while they continued their search.

I stumbled backwards away from the ambulance

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I stumbled backwards away from the ambulance. I then kneeled over and threw up, Sal held my hair back (if your hairs short ignore that) and rubbed my back.

"What the fuck.." Was all I could mutter when I stopped vomiting. I sat on the ground, too shaky to stand up.

Sal didn't look too good either, his ears were more pale than usual, so I assumed the rest of his face had gone pale. He's way better at hiding his emotions than me, so when I see him upset, I know he's very upset. I didn't feel like being outside anymore, so I tried to stand up. Sal noticed and rushed over to help me. I felt dizzy, probably from throwing up so much so quickly.

"Are you okay to walk?" Sal asked with concern in his voice. "I think so" I replied and slowly walked back towards the apartment building, the image of Mrs. Sanderson never leaving my mind once.

(Sals P.O.V)
I never saw her that upset before. If I knew that Mrs. Sanderson was in there with her whole face exposed I never would've taken her over to look. I suddenly felt bad for letting her walk by herself back to her room, but I figured she needed some time to herself.

I decided to go to Larry's room to tell him what happened. I knocked on his door then walked in.

"Hey Sally Face," he said as I walked in.

"Hello Larry Face," I said using his new nickname. I then proceeded to tell him what me and (y/n) saw outside. His face went pale just from me telling him. He must have a very weak stomach.

"That's ridiculous, she died like, a day ago, and her body is still out there? That's just nasty" Larry said while sitting on his beanbag chair.

"Yeah, I know. (Y/n) was so upset, I feel like a jerk for letting her see that" I said and let out a sigh. "You didn't know, don't beat yourself up over it." Larry replied, "where is (y/n) anyway?" He added.  "She went back to her room, I think she wanted to be alone." I told him and his eyes widened "You just let her go alone after seeing a dead person??" Larry said with a hint of anger in his voice. I suddenly felt worried.

(Y/n P.O.V)
I walked into my apartment. My parents were getting ready to leave for work. I forced a smile when I saw them. I didn't need them worrying about me while at work.

A few minutes later, they left after giving me a hug. I decided to take a warm shower to calm my nerves a bit. I went into the bathroom and started the shower, taking my clothes off and stepping into the warm water.

As soon as I was in the shower, I burst into tears. I sat down on the shower floor, feeling quite dizzy. After a few minutes, I realized I was having a panic attack. I haven't had many, but when I do have them, they're bad.

I cried as I tried to calm my breathing, my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the apartment door.

"(Y/n)? You in there?" I could just barely hear Sal's voice.

'Go away go away go away' I kept repeating in my head. I knew the door was locked, so there was no way of him getting in. But that didn't stop me from panicking even more. I didn't want him to see me like this.

I heard the door unlock and my eyes widened. 'The key... I gave him the spare key' I tried to muffle my cries.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, "(y/n)? Are you alright?" Sal asked with worry in his voice. I tried to say something but I couldn't. I opened my mouth and the only thing that came out was a sob. The bathroom door slowly opened.

All of a sudden, a hand reached in and turned on the shower. A towel was then thrown over the top of the shower and it landed on my legs. "Here, cover yourself," Sal said. I slowly, and very shakily wrapped it around myself.

The shower curtain was slowly opened, he must've been making sure I was covered. Once he saw that I was, he opened the curtain fully. I was clutching my chest, trying to get my heart to slow down. I was still sobbing and breathing weirdly.

"I didn't know you had panic attacks," Sal said as he carefully picked me up bridal style. He brought me to my bedroom and rummaged around until he found some pyjamas.

By now, I was calming down. Sal passed the pyjamas to me and turned around as I slowly put them on. Once I had them on, Sal sat on my bed and patted the spot next to him. I didn't hesitate to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry I left you alone, I didn't know this would happen" he sounded so guilty.

"It's's not your fault" I replied weakly, suddenly feeling tired. I yawned a bit.

Sal gently pulled me closer, and I laid my head on his chest. I started drifting off to sleep as he played with my hair, not caring that it was soaked from the shower.

"Goodnight (y/n)" Sal whispered while pulling a blanket over me.

Sorry if I don't write a realistic panic attack, I haven't really had a bad one before.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

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