Chapter 2

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I was woken up by a voice that didn't sound like my fathers.

"Oi! Get up, its breakfast!" I opened my eyes slowly to see Sam standing next to my bed. I let out a small yelp and backed up to the wall, covering myself with my blankets. I only slept in a sports bra and shorts, I was only comfortable with my dad waking me up let alone a near stranger.

Sam seemed shocked for a moment.

"At least it got you up. Be downstairs soon breakfast is almost ready" he said and finally left, thank god.

Sadly, it was breakfast and I knew I would have to be downstairs soon. I got dressed in a short sleeved dark gray T- Shirt with black skinny jeans and went on my way to the dining room.

Once I got to the there, I realized that James and Matthew weren't at the table and neither was my father, weird. I quickly sat down and looked down aswell. As soon as I'm done eating I can go to my room and draw, I thought, hopefully breakfast is out soon.

An image of a small bird popped into my mind and I couldn't help but grab a napkin and start to doodle on it. I usually just keep a pencil in my pocket for whatever reason.

Luckily, nobody talked to me, I liked it that way.

Well, I don't really know what I like. Or what I want, I should probably start thinking about that more. An artist would be fun and I could actually use my skills for things, but it's a really hard career to pursue.

The only thing I really knew was that I don't have to know our 'guests' well. I basically just have to tolerate them and be on my way. Then again, I don't know how much tolerance I have for demons.

Matthew and James came out holding plates with pancakes and bacon on them. Where is my father? The one next to me - Damien, answered my unasked question.

"Your father had to go on a short business trip, he will be back tomorrow." Damien said.

My father left me alone with demons that I hardly even know? Great, just awesome. I can't believe he didn't tell me.

I kept my head down and quickly ate, yearning to go back to my room. It was my fortress of solitude, my safe place. I was getting ready to excuse myself when I heard an outburst from Sam, who was sitting across from me.

"My god, can't you talk?!" He yelled at me and I jumped and flinched, I was shocked.

"Um, i-ill just go..." I said and quickly went to my room, afraid under the demons gazes.

They left me alone, but I heard James yelling at Sam which made me feel a little bit better.

I noticed a deer outside and a part of me wanted to draw it, I was too far away to get the greater details and I decided I would sneak around the house to the backyard with my sketchbook and try to draw there.

I wasn't noticed as I quickly and quietly made my way downstairs and to the backyard, I grabbed an apple on my way there for a snack if I got hungry.

I slowly approached the deer, it stared at me as I went up to it, but it didn't run away which showed we were off to a good start.

For some reason I felt paranoid, like people were watching me. I ignored it and tried to talk to the deer, however weird that sounds.

"Hey there, don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" I said quietly to the deer, it walked up to me and let me pet it. "Your so pretty..." I whispered as I stroked it's fur.

"Is it ok if I draw you in my notebook? I won't too take long, I promise" I asked, consent was always important, the deer seemed to nod and I backed away and got out my sketchpad to sketch it, I didn't take long like I had promised.

Her little Matthew (SMTO fanfic OC x Matthew)  Where stories live. Discover now