Chapter 6

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I was awaken by a scream. There was a hellhound in the train car. I looked for piper and couldn't find her. I ran at the hellhound and sliced it in half before it could bite a mortal. Just the. I used the mist to make them forget and sat back down. Piper came back and sat down. Just as she sat down the train car in front of ours exploded. The train car rolled and I hit my head and blacked out.
Pipers POV-
After the smoke cleared and the train car stopped rolling. I found Percy knocked out on the ground and there was a group of monsters, that probably caused the explosion. I tried to wake Percy up as the group stalked towards me. I started slashing and slicing with my dagger, but soon I was getting overwhelmed. There was a bright light then darkness
Percy's POV-
I woke up and looked around the bright room I was in. I reached for riptide but it wasn't in my pocket. "Looking for this?" I turned and saw a man in a black suit, that looked like the galaxy, holding my sword in pen form. His eyes look the same as his suit. About 6,2 and I can feel the power radiating off of him. "Who are you? Where am I? Where's my friend?" "Ok I'm chaos the creator of the universe. You are on my planet eclipse. And right behind me." Piper stepped out from behind him and ran over to me when she saw me. She slapped me. "OW! What was that for?" "You have been out for 3 days. I was worried." She punched me in the arm. "Don't do that again." Then she hugged me. "Can't....breathe..." I gasped. "Sorry." She mumbled while blushing. "So what are we doing her lord Chaos?" "Just call me Chaos. I'm not into the lord thing and no bowing." "Ok so what are we doing here?" "I wanted to offer you a new life. To be the commander of my army, my successor, the third most powerful being in the universe. You would become a primordial and so would Piper if you both except. So what do ya say?" "Sure!" We said at the same time. "Sweet! Ok so do you want to use your weapons or get a new one?" " I would like to use my sword please but can you copy it and put the second one in the hilt and make it return too? Oh also can you make it black? Please?" "Easy." His hands glowed a black color and sent the energy into riptide. He handed it to me and I un capped it. I pulled out the second sword and threw it out the window. About 30 seconds later it was back. So I capped it and threw it out the window in pen form. It almost instantly came back to my pocket. "Oh yeah I also sped up the return time." "Thank you so much." "Piper would you like a new weapon?" "Yes please I don't like my old dagger. Can I have a black one about three inches bigger than my old dagger, with a silver hilt." He nodded and a dagger she described appeared on her hand. "Ok so let's go do the ceremony."

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