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A few weeks have passed and everything was as normal as it could be. (Name) walked to school with the gang and even met Seto Kaiba- she was surprised by how similar Seto and Priest Seto were, making her laugh which caused their first meeting to be... well, awkward. But eventually (name) got close to both Seto and Bakura. Seto was hard to get along with but since (name) had dealt with Priest Seto 5000 years ago, it wasn't too hard.

Right now it was the lunch break and (name) was using the restroom.

(Name)'s POV
'Japanese bathrooms are pretty complex. Although it's advanced since long ago, it seems so complicated yet convenient.'

I thought to myself as I wash my hands. It's been awhile since I've been in Japan but I still find it hard at times. I've been getting use to it but there are times when my brain will mix up what to do here with what I once did in Egypt.

God, I miss Egypt. The hot sun, the sand, warm winds, cold nights, and the animals of the sandy desert. 'Badru.' I missed the cat that would stay by my side. Who would cure my boredom and loneliness during the times when I could not see my husband.

But that was the past.

The past is distant. I know- I understand. But I can't help but to reminisce the moments I hold dear.

With a sigh, I leave the restroom and make my way to the classroom where Joey and Tristan were having another quarrel about Ra knows what. Noticing my presence, Yugi turns towards me.

"Hey (name)!" Yugi greets with a smile. Then, Bakura turned towards me and in his eyes I saw... struggling? As if trying to fight something back. Thinking that it was just me, I shrug off the thought and greeted the group.

As time went on I couldn't help but to think back to Bakura's eyes. I look to my right to take a glance at the said snow-white haired teen. Again, he appears as if he's fighting, struggling, and pushing something down. His clenched fist that tested in the desk only brought my suspicion.

For the next few classes, I watched Bakura. The gnawing feeling that he might do something wouldn't leave me be. So when it was time for break, I grabbed the British accent speaker and dragged him into the hall leaving the rest of the gang confused.

No One's POV
"Uh... you guys saw dat too right?" Joey asked his friends who watched in bewilderment.

Meanwhile with (name), she dragged Bakura to a corner of the school before stopping and facing him. The moment she opened her mouth to speak, she let the words flow out, "Bakura, ever since this morning I couldn't help but to notice that you seem to be struggling. By the looks of it, Yugi and the others haven't noticed- so tell me- what's going on?" Judging by her tone, Bakura knew that (name) had caught him. Suddenly the air around grew cold before Bakura couldn't fight it anymore, for he was too weak.

Taking note of Bakura's sudden silence, (name) tried to place her hand on his shoulder only for her wrist to get grabbed by Bakura. When the taller teen looked up, (name) couldn't help but to shudder upon the look in Bakura's chocolate brown eyes. A predator trapping his prey. That's the look.

"It looks like I've been found out. Nice to see you again, (name)- or should I say, your highness?" (Name) felt shivers roam her spine. This man in front of her was no longer the innocent Bakura she knew. This was... Akefia.

The (h/c)nette's blood boiled with both rage and fear. This man was dangerous and she knew it but she couldn't escape- not while he stood in her way.

Gripping the smaller one's wrist, Bakura pushed said female up to the wall where he had her cornered. To both teens, this was like dejavu; one trapped and vulnerable while the other one was taking control. "Doesn't this feel familiar my little kitten?" Bakura- no- Akefia's voice was teasingly dark like the temptaions of a goddess for power. But (name) knew better all too well.

"Akefia you asshole, so you were inside Bakura this entire time!" Anger. Rage. Fear. All of those feelings rang in (name)'s voice causing a sadistic smirk to appear onto the evil one's face. "Now, now, no need to be so scary. It makes you cuter~ I'm sure you remember those moments from 5000 years ago, yes?" Akefia grinned as he pressed himself onto (name) who was shivering in pure terror.

Akefia positioned his free hand on (name)'s thigh before sliding his hand upward making the smaller framed girl flinch. She placed her hands on the taller's shoulders to push him back but Akefia ushered himself forward, placing more pressure on (name) who couldn't push away his weight.

Feeling Akefia's large hands on her inner thigh, (name)'s eyes widened as she pressed her legs closer together. Unsatisfied by the action, a frown made its way to Akefia's face.

"Now that won't do" he said pushing (name) plump thighs apart and raised his hand to (name)'s skirt as he pulled it up seeing the mint green panties that laid beneath the skirt. Soon, another smirk rose "how cute," he said motioning to the panties before continuing his statement "to think you would put something as cute as this on. You must've been wanting something." Akefia chuckled darkly making (name) glare at him.

"Do not make me out as a concubine, you merciless fool!" (Name) spatted with hate before Akefia's gripped on her wrist turned to the yank of her hair as he brough his face closer to her's. If Akefia wasn't frightful earlier then he was now "fool? You dare call me a fool?! Says the one who died a foolish death!" Akefia shouted with rage.

At this point the bell had rung, students walked by the two in the corner, not noticing them and Akefia had both of his hands on (name)'s shoulder as he slammed her on the wall. The harsh grip of Akefia's hand and the amount of force he used to push her made (name) grunt in pain making one of her eyes close before looking back up at those threatening, chocolate eyes.

"Take this as a warning, Queen. The only ones who fully knows of the past is both you and I. If I were to tell him that you were once pregnant, who would he think was the father? Himself- the one who had no idea... or I- the one who knew?"

(Name)'s eyes widened with shock. How did Akefia know If her pregnancy? The only ones who should've known were Mana, Mrs. Amaya, maybe some of the servants, and maybe Priest Seto and Priestess Isis. But no one else. When (name) opened her mouth to ask how much Akefia knew, Akefia backed up, releasing her in the process "till next time, your highness" Akefia chuckled before the said teen fell to his knees.

What was more shocking was that Akefia had turned back to Bakura.

'So it's just like Yugi and Yami but without consent. Goodness, this is quite the struggle.'

Please be proud I updated ;^;

Anyways, is there something you guys want to happen in this story? I do plan to bring Nabu back, but I just wanted to know if you guys wanted something specific.

Oh btw, have you guys seen that new anime called Kitsune no Koe, I love it!!! Hu Li is just so beautiful, let's fight.

Anyway, this table table is out. Bye bye my fellow tables!!💙💙

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