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(Yami and Yugi are going to have separate bodies!!!)

The snow has fallen slowly to the ground covering the sidewalks, trees, and buildings. The cars that drove on the road prevented the snow to touch the roads. One's breath could be seen as they walked on the sidewalk.

(H/c) hair was bouncing as a female walked swiftly past alleys and buildings placing her mittened hand on her face trying to keep the warmth she had while she held a small box in her other hand. Her (f/c) fleece jacket and (2f/c) scarf was not enough to keep her warm through the snowy day. As a familiar store came up she let out a smile of relief making her pace into a jog while being careful so she didn't slip and fall. She knocked  on the door twice wishing the temperature would miraculously rise. Soon the door was open revealing a happy little Yugi "hey (name)! Glad you could make it!" Yugi's little smile melted (name)'s heart (unlike me. I don't have a heart ;;).

Yugi had let (name) inside seeing how red her nose was from her continuous sniffing from her runny nose. (Name) was greeted by the cheerful faces of the others that resided within the shop. The shouting and laughter filled (name)'s ears as she looked around seeing Joey and Tristan arm wrestling while others cheered one or the other. 

Tea was chasing Duke around while throwing Christmas cookies at him. (Name) giggled feeling better seeing how positive the atmosphere was. Before taking another step (name) looked at Yugi "is Yami here?" She asked looking around not seeing her ancient lover. Yugi gave off a cute little chuckle pointing up the stairs "he might still be wrapping his present. He wanted it to be for you" Yugi smiled a bright and innocent smile. A smile had crawled onto (name)'s features as she look towards the stairs asking if she could go see if Yami was done. Yugi, being the cutie he is, nodded his head with a hum and (name) went up the stairs seeing the wooden door that held a silver knob. 

With a twist, (name) opened the door seeing a tall figure from behind as he stood up with a proud smile "finally!" He said "I'm done! I hope she likes the gift I got her" "I'm sure I will" Yami jumped from the unexpected voice as he turned round making amethyst eyes meet (e/c) ones. Yami smiled widely going up to (name) crushing her in a hug bigger than the sea. (Name) giggled and Yami chuckled, both happy to see each other even though it's been a day or so. Yugi smiled at the soft sight making his way back downstairs where everyone else minded their own business in the activity they were doing. 

Yami wouldn't let (name) go claiming that he wanted to say in their position just a little longer. (Name) didn't disagree since she also wanted to stay in their hugging position. Yami noticed the box in (name)'s hand giving off a sly grin "who's that for? Me?" He questioned but (name) shook her head saying "wrong. It's for Joey" in a joking voice. Yami pouted as he pushed (name) into the bed hugging her smaller frame "no~ it's for me isn't it?~" (name) giggled seeing Yami's adorable pouting face. 

(Name) turned her head away jokingly "nope!" Yami decided on an attack as a smug look appeared on his face for a second "hmph! Good thing I got my gift for Tea then!" (Name)'s chest tightened regardless of the fact that she already knew the gift was for her. With a pout (name) turned around and hugged Yami's muscular frame "NOO!~ I know the gift is for me~" Yami puffed out his cheek turning his head away humming a "nope."

A silence filled the room and almost immediately they both laughed in amusement. Their atmosphere was bright and so were their smiles "I love you" they both say simultaneously laughing again. They were​ such an adorable couple that even Seto would smile when he saw them hugging or laughing at the most smallest of things.

Yami had let go of (name) but his smile still remained. (Name) and Yami sat up just enjoying each others' presence "(name),  after I get my memories back do you want to get married here before we go back?" Yami asked shocking (name) as tears started to puddle up in her eyes. But the tears weren't some of mourn or rage. They were tears of joy.

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