Chapter 22

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Reader POV~

I made it back to my house in one piece thank god. Before I went to go up to my apartment, I went to get the mail. I haven't done that in a while. I flipped through the mail as some of them were just Ads. I came across a particular letter with blue writing. It had no return address or anything. Just the words, 'Dare'. I opened it up and it read 'What's life without Drama? Fight. If you don't. Carl won't be for much longer.'

The shivers that crawled up my arms and formed goosebumps. I didn't know where to put the note but I also didn't understand what they meant by a fight. Fight what exactly? I just shoved the letter into my pocket. I threw the spam mail into the garbage nearby and looking at the others that had no real cause to me. I walled back to my apartment, unlocked the door, got inside after shutting the door behind me, and flopped into my bed. I couldn't go to sleep, my mind just wouldn't rest.

I tried to think of lullabies but none of them worked. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and placed it in charge. It's probably because I'm the dark, I feel that there's something watching me and I wasn't alone. I haven't really felt that stalker's gaze. It's kind of like they went off the grid. I shifted on my bed to lay on my left side as I stared at the darkness in the corner. I shifted once again to lay in my right side to look out the window. I should get curtains. I really need them. I closed my eyes so I could slowly drift to sleep.

The time I did wake up was from another nightmare. Which, I'm used too but something about the nightmare was a little too real. It was Carl...Carl died while asking for me. He was asking where I was to Markus. Markus would answer, that I was coming that I was just a little busy. It seemed to repeat for days until while he was in the middle of asking he just fell limp. It felt like I was falling.

Yesterday was a relaxing day but the Saturday was somewhat informative of what was going on. I checked the time and saw it was 4 Am. I felt much better to know it wasn't haunting time. I took a shower, put on some clean clothes, and all while humming a soft tune. I just had a feeling that everything will be alright. I went to look for my misplaced Mini-backpack for a while, then found it under the table. I grabbed it then put my stuff into it. I walked to the bus stop but had to stop at the bottom of the stairs when I saw Markus. He was parked in front of my apartment, leaning on the hood of his car, and seemed to be scrolling through his phone. He turned his head after a while of me staring.

"You took your sweet time. " Markus grinned towards me while placing his phone in his pocket. "I'll drop you off."

"Drop me off where?" I asked while looking at him skeptically.

"At the Nursery. " Markus opened the driver's side of the door then unlocked the doors.

"You know where I work? " I felt slightly happy but at the same time, confused.

"Yeah, you told me." Markus sat down behind the wheels and I just stood on the other side dumbly. "Are you coming?"

Did I tell him about my work? I opened the door, sat down, and closed the door after me. He started the engine then pulled out to go onto the street. Through the whole drive, Markus tried to start a small conversation. For some reason, I just felt uncomfortable. I gave him directions to the Nursery but he seemed to know where it is. It kind of gave me the creeps because if I did tell him, I wouldn't be very specific. When he pulled up in front of my office. I thanked him before turning to open the door. He had a hold of my wrist and gently tug me back.

"I'm not gonna see you for a while. Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Markus had a concerned look on his face. He really looked worried that he'd done something wrong.

"No. No, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just..tired. " I lied as I shook my head. He tilted his head while looking more concerned. "Nightmares."

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