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Jai was being a really good friend to me despite the Gatorade incident and his attitude towards me being popular in a matter of twenty-five minutes.

"At least you haven't left me yet," he says.

Why does he keep saying "yet"? I'm not that asshole.


Connor and his buddies were showing me the ropes and they saw Jai.

"Go pants him."

"But he's my friend," I protested.

"Well, aren't we your friends, too?" complained Ryan.

"You're the reason my underwear pictures are all over the school, dumbass!"

Connor pushed me towards Jai and I waved awkwardly.


"Hi, Stiles."

"I need to pants you."

"I like you, Stiles, but you aren't giving me-"

"No! It's Connor. He said to pants you. Do you want me to live my dream or not?"

"Stupid dream," he whined. "But go ahead if it makes you feel so superior."

I sighed and yanked his pants down to his ankles and faked a laugh with the Pops.

Jai pulled up his pants, blushing a deep red, and looked at me like he wanted to kill me. I felt terrible, but I didn't dare show it. Teary-eyed, he put his head down and clutched his books to his chest and shuffled away.

"Oh, that was priceless! He was as red as a firetruck!" Jake laughed.

I wish someone'd run me over with a firetruck after seeing Jai so hurt.


After school, I tried to catch up with him before he got to his bus.

"Please, Jai, we need to talk. Nobody's home and you can walk home with me and call your mom and we need to talk!"

"Why?" he scoffed. "I've nothing to talk about."


He huffed.


So we walked home together in silence. Jai kept glancing behind us every so often.

"Can't you relax? What are you freaking about? A white van or something?"

"No. Jake, Max, and Ryan."

"I'm a Popular now, Jai."

"Ah, yes, one of the many perks..."

"They won't bother us."

We entered my house.

"Well they bothered me when they made you pants me at school!"

We went to my room and stood facing each other.

"I'm sorry, Jai! I just wanted to see what it's like. For once, I'm noticed at school. For something other than my underwear..."

"Yeah? Well, now you don't have to worry anymore because I took your spot, thanks to you!"

"Jai, please, forgive me! I'm sorry. Can't you just be supportive?"

"Supportive? After you said you wouldn't leave me but you go off and yell at me over Gatorade and pants me?"

I looked at him. He looked ready to cry.

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