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"I want to be popular," I sighed to my friend, Jai Duncan.

"Why? The Populars are just a bunch of stuck-up, no good, bratty, rich, dumbed -down, 5 dollar prostitutes. You have to be an ass to everyone to be popular."

"You done now?" I asked, honestly bored.

"No. They're also idiotic little rats who think they're better than everyone else, sporty jocks who need to get their head out of their crack."

"They're drugheads, too?"

"No, Stiles. Their ass."

"Oh. Right... But what if it's fun?"

"Fun? You go try it out, why don't you? Are you just gonna leave me here in the dust while you run off prancing with the Pops?"

"No, Jai. I'd never do that."

"May I record you saying that?"

"Why?" I asked slowly.

"So when you leave me and then later on come crawling back for my forgiveness I can play it back and rub it in your sorry face."

"My face is now sorry?"

"Not yet it isn't. Just say what you just said."

I leaned towards his iPhone mic and said, "I'd never leave you for the Populars, Jai."

"Good boy," he grinned, petting my head.

"Don't pet me."


Later on, after school, I was walking home alone. Jai took the bus because he lived on the other side of the school, a few minutes away bus-ride.

I usually get jumped on the way home. My neighborhood isn't bad or ghetto or anything, but these three guys like to steal my stuff.

They steal my backpack, my phone, my pants, anything. But I usually get in back before I get home cuz I'm faster than them.

I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Jai.

From: J

bro watch out walking home. connor told the whole bus that jake ryan and max were after u

From: smileystiley

um ok

Max Howard, Ryan James, and Jake Henrie are Populars, Connor Brooks' friends. Connor Brooks is the lacrosse captain and the most Popular guy in East Valley High School. He's a really stuck-up jackwad and he could use some therapy.

I was about to reply to Jai but before I could reach my phone, I was tackled to the ground.

"Max, get off me!" I screamed angrily, thrashing my fists, and just missing his eye.

"No, thanks, I'm comfy here."

My backpack had flipped over me and lay in front of me.

"Put a shirt on," Jake complained, looking down at me.

"It's like 90 degrees!"

"Suit yourself."

"Just take something," I sighed.

Ryan and Jake yanked off my pants and ran off with Max

"Oh hell!" I screamed.

I grabbed my backpack and ran off after them through my rich neighborhood half-naked.

A bus passed, but I ignored the laughter and ran up to them and yanked my pants back.

"You suck," I spat, and put my pants on.

Popularity at its FinestDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora