Darkness Is Coming

Start from the beginning

"Ty, please talk to me." He hates sharing his feelings. It's one of the things we're trying to work on. I share my thoughts and dreams but he closes himself off. I blame it on how his parents raised him believing that a man doesn't show his feelings.

"It's nothing to do with you. I just had a bad day and I need to let off some steam."

"Then let's blow off some steam together? Want to start a beer pong game?" Tyler kisses the side of my head and takes my hand.

"Let's get some food." Tyler leads the way and I let my mind wonder what had him so riled up.

Elena's POV

"I like Bonnie. She seems like a good friend."

"Best friend in the world besides my sister."

"Sofia seems like a very supportive sister." I nod my head. Stefan and I are finally getting our alone time without others prying in on our conversations. "She also knows a lot about the town's history."

"Yeah, Sofia is the best sister and friend I could have ever asked for. And she's a huge history buff. It's her second favorite subject."

"What's her first?"

"Sofia's an amazing violinist. She hopes to apply to Julliard senior year."

"That's amazing. Have you two always been close?'

"Our parents used to say it was almost impossible to separate us. We were so similar that when they would tell people that we're fraternal twins, no one believed them. We have always been there for each other and I would not be here today without her."

"What about Matt? He can't seem to, uh, take his eyes off of us." I knew Stefan would want information on my ex but it's a difficult subject. Matt has always s been in my life and now we're the most distant we've ever been.

"Matt's that friend since childhood that you start dating because you owe it to yourselves to see if you can be more."


"And then my parents died, and everything changes. Anyway, Matt and I together we just, I don't know, it wasn't, um..." I'm lost for words on how to describe Matt and my relationship.

"Passionate." Stefan hits the nail on the coffin.

"No. No, it wasn't passionate."

"And Sofia and..."

"Sofia loathed Tyler since they were young. My sister has always been too serious for her own good. She would be the person who would take charge of all the group projects and assign people tasks that covered every meniscal detail. Tyler is the total opposite. He is reckless and most of the time a hot head, but somehow, they work. She has calmed down is majority douche like manners and he makes her laugh and live life."

"And she didn't see your parent's death as a reason to not date?"

"Unlike my relationship, Tyler didn't change for the worse he made himself better for her. He would come over early or late at night always making sure she was okay."

"And with Matt and you?"

"Matt, and I uh...together we just, I don't know. It wasn't, um..."

"Passionate." Stefan knew exactly what to say and it was refreshing to hear his take on everything.

"No. No, it wasn't. I've always admired what Sofia and Tyler have. They can be gone from each other for days but is someone mentioned one of their names their whole face would light up. Tyler didn't care if Sof was embarrassed that he wanted to kiss her in public. If he wants to plant a hot and passionate kiss on her then that's what he's going to do. I don't know if they will be with each other forever, but right now he's exactly what she needs." Stefan nods. It feels so good being able to say this. I've been keeping this all in since everything changed. As I stare into Stefan's eyes I notice his eyes are becoming red with irritation and his skin is doing something I've never seen before. "Hey, um, are you okay? Um, your eye. It just...it's"

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