Aliens Of London

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Mia hummed as she watched her soulmate land the TARDIS, after the adventures they had, she was glad Rose wanted to go home for a minute because even if she didn't admit it

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Mia hummed as she watched her soulmate land the TARDIS, after the adventures they had, she was glad Rose wanted to go home for a minute because even if she didn't admit it. She too wanted to see Jackie, seeming as the women was a mother to her. The Doctor moved around the console, stopping for a second to give Mia a kiss on the head before he flicked a final switch as Rose come running in back in her clothes the day she had been wearing when the left.

Moving towards the door, Mia frowned suddenly getting a bad feeling as though the time was all wrong. Stepping out, it looked like any normal day in London. Rose laughed as she spun around while Mia leaned beside The Doctor against the TARDIS. "How long have we been gone?" Mia asked as she looked towards The Doctor who smirked, "About 12 hours" She hummed; it didn't feel like 12 hours. Rose laughs as she points towards him, "Right I won't be long. I just want to see MY mum." Mia flinched at the slit jab but followed Rose out the door anyway.

"What are you going to tell her?" He asked the girls as they turned back, "I don't know. That I've been to the year five billion and only been gone, what 12 hours?" The Doctor smirked his eyes never straying from his soulmate even if it was Rose talking. "No, we'll just tell her we spent the night at Shareen's." Mia spoke causing Rose to reluctantly agree to what she said. She then turned to The Doctor with a smirk, "See you later." She smiled before taking off again with Mia following.

Suddenly stopping, Mia turned to look back at her soulmate who was already watching her, "Don't disappear." She called causing him to smile at her, "Without you?! I would never." He spoke honestly causing her heart to pound at his words. She quickly rushed over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before taking off again towards the building.

The Doctor blushed brightly and hummed happily as he moved around, his eyes wondering until they found a poster with Mia's face on it and the date;12 months. Rushing up the stairs, he just made it to see Rose and Mia being hugged by a crying Jackie. "It's not 12 hours, it's 12 months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry" Rose looked like she wanted to murder the man but Mia just punched him in the arm causing both to wince but it was worth it as Jackie pulled her into another hug.


Mia winced as Jackie started yelling, Rose sitting in the recliner across from her while The Doctor stood behind Mia. His presence keeping her calm, "The hours I've sat here, days and weeks and months, all on my own. I thought you two were dead and where were you? Traveling!" Jackie shouted towards Mia before turning to Rose as the said girl flinch and played with her shoes. The Doctor wanted to step in and keep Jackie from yelling at his soulmate but she held his hand to keep him from moving.

"What the hell does that mean, traveling? That's no sort of answer. You ask them. They won't tell me, that's what the say; traveling." Jackie spoke towards the cop that had been called, Mia gently spoke up "That's what we were doing." Jackie glared before looking towards Rose, "Both of your passports are here!" She shouted, causing Mia to flinch. "It's just one lie after another." Rose spoke again with slight nervousness, neither girl knowing how to tell Jackie.

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