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| No ACOTAR or HP spoilers |
(Harry Potter crossover)

House list:
Feyre: Gryffindor
Elain: Hufflepuff
Nesta: Slytherin

Rhys/Cass/Az: Gryffindor
Mor/Amren: Ravenclaw

Lucien/Ew Tamlin: Hufflepuff

Ever since Nesta received her letter from Hogwarts, we realized that our mother was a witch. They had come to explain that we weren't just "muggles." We were sworn into secrecy.

Having Nesta gone for the school year was a benefit in my perspective. It was one less mouth to feed. Though when summer rolled around, she would never talk about her time at Hogwarts to me, only to Edwin, unsurprisingly. She seemed to have acknowledge less of me, and time would fly by until she left for her next year attending Hogwarts.

Soon came the summer where Elain had received her letter to Hogwarts. Father did not mind so much to their departure each year. He would just continue to sculpt out of the logs I would chop. And I still hunted for food to feed the both of us.

Both of my sisters seemed to enjoy attending Hogwarts. I'm assuming they would have a warm room and plenty of food, rather than living here.

They'd been taken to Prythian by a secret train each year as I secretly longed for my letter to arrive. Although, there was a chance that I was only a Muggle. I longed for a change. Rather than hunting for food and searching for anything to keep me warm, I could be learning spells as a Witch.

But my father.

He would be alone and with his injury, I had never seen him try to fight to feed his daughters. I didn't know how I would feel. Leaving him as we left for Hogwarts.

Suddenly, a letter flew under the door. I ran over to it in excitement, hoping it was my letter to Hogwarts.

Nope, just a coupon for a grand opening of some store in town.

Until one day, it finally came. (Do they get a new letter each year, or just for the first year? I completely forgot) For a moment, I screeched with joy.

"What is that awful noise?" I heard Nesta say behind me.

"I got my letter to Hogwarts!" I told her.

Nesta looked disappointed, "Oh. You're a witch too? Good luck, I guess."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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