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| Based off of ACOTAR and ACOMAF |
(Romeo and Juliet x ACOTAR)
Rhyseo and Feyliet 😂
Feyliet ~

Father decided to arrange a marriage between me and this man Tamlin, who had inherited his wealth from his late parents. I hadn't met him yet, but our announcement of marriage will occur tomorrow during our ball tomorrow evening. Father and my sister Elain dearly enjoy hosting balls.

"Feyliet, what color curtains do you prefer?" Elain asked me across the ballroom with a couple of servants attending to help.

"Anything but red," I replied. I never really had the liking to that specific color for some reason.

I hadn't yet met my future husband and apparently he is far older than I am. Father told us we must allow our hands in marriage in order to stabilize our family wealth. Ever since mother has left, we've been having a hard time maintaining our wealth.

My other older sister strolled into the ballroom, "So Feyliet gets all of this only for her engagement ball to a man she has never met, yet I cannot wed Thomas Mandray, whom I actually spend time with and love?"

"Nesta, please do not argue with your younger sister. She's going to be married soon and will want to live away with her husband," father told her, probably worn out from all of our past quarreling throughout our whole lives.

She scoffed back, "Thank the heavens she is leaving. Feyliet is just causing a burden in our household. She just paints and paints and paints all over our furniture!" She points to a table before Elain drapes a lavish tablecloth over, "There's even paint on the edges of that table!" Her words made me want to scrape off all of my paintings across the household.

I ignored her and attempted to change the subject, "Are we having a masquerade ball? How must I know how this Tamlin looks like?"

"Don't worry, you and him will be the only two wearing a golden mask, you'll be able to distinguish him from the crowd." Father told me.

I nodded and headed towards my bedroom to select a dress. "Alis?" I called out, "Are you in here? I need help to select a gown."

~And she waddled away, to the very next day~

I watched above from the stairway balcony with father as the guests started to stream in through the doors.

I saw Isaac enter my household doors with the nerve to have another woman draped over his arms. My lips dissolved into a frown just as his eyes lifted to meet mine. "Father, may I go... socialize?" I asked without looking away from Isaac.

"Of course, just don't forget about his golden mask."

I descended from the stairway with my dress following behind me. I saw Isaac excuse himself from his date to the table of puff pastries and refreshments, so I stalked my way through.

"You look beautiful tonight, Lady Feyliet," he told me.

"Who is that?" I suddenly snapped, "Just another woman you'll leave again like you did to me?"

"No," he replied. "In fact, that is my wife. We had a small gathering in which you weren't invited to."

"Well if you excuse me, I'll be searching for my future husband," I stormed away, my heart feeling a bit betrayed.

Rhyseo ~

"Hey, the Archeron's ball is tonight, shouldn't we wear silly masks and crash their little party?" Cassian asked mischieviously.

"Sure, they'll never even notice we were there," said Azriel, my other adopted brother.

The Nights and Archerons had generations of disputes never to be solved. We also had a grudge against the Springs, mainly meaning Tamlin. When an Archeron and a Spring are about to wed, this must mean we must destroy everything.

"We're coming with you!" Shouted my cousin Mor with Amren standing beside her.


We arrived at the ball with our formal attire, all created by my mother, and placed our black masks on our faces. "Let's split up and find this Tamlin."

I walked around and couldn't find him at all. But in the corner of the room, I saw Mor and Amren and the soon to be Mrs. Spring.

I pushed through the crowd to get over there.

"Hey, there you are, I've been trying to find you, Feyliet." Mor and Amren showed a bit of confusion before backing off of her. Feyliet turned around to face me, her golden mask glimmering in the lght.

I took her arm in mine, "Thank you for saving me, you know the rivalry between the Nights and Archerons, right?"

"Yeah," I told her, walking away from the two.

"Who are you?" She asked me, "Are you Tamlin?"

I scoffed, "Of course I'm not Tamlin. Does this mask seem golden to you?"

"I suppose not," she giggled, her cold blue-grey eyes lighting up. "Then who are you?"

"You don't need to know," the man said, smirking nonchalantly.

She started to lead me down a long hallway away from the ballroom of guests and towards her garden for some fresh air.

We sat down on a bench in the middle of the garden, in front of the fountain.

She looked in the opposite direction from me as I lightly splashed water from the fountain onto her.

"Hey! You'll get my gown wet!" She giggled, splashing even more water onto me.

"Well now I'm wet... Shall I get you even more wet?" I inched closer to her face glowing in the moonlight.

Through the darkness, I saw a bright pink blush creep up to her cheeks.

I pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and slowly, her hands lifted to meet my cheeks. She kissed me on my cheek. Her eyes met mine, but instantly, she pulled away looking shocked.

| Author's ~ Note |

Well this was kind of a weird crossover... 😂
I read Romeo and Juliet this year in class, so why not?
I might write a second part to this in a few days or next week, maybe. Except I'll be on vacation, so I don't know when I'll have time to...

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