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(Modern AU)
Feyre ~
(Continuation of the last chapter)

Rhys and I had bought this mansion ourselves, but we all share it together. I still wonder why us two pay for all of the bills, yet no one else pitches in.

There were plenty of rooms and enough rooms for each person to have two to themselves. Rhys and I shared a bedroom, and my paintings and supplies occupied another. We were planning to use one as a nursery when we both decide that we're ready.

The whole interior of the mansion had first been painted in white, making it look elegant and neat. We decided to customize the walls of our rooms, meaning I had painted everyone's room whatever they asked for.  Of course Rhys asked me to paint him nude on our shared bathroom wall. We settled with the walls and ceiling painting in whorls of purples, blues, and black to resemble the galaxy.

My studio room had paint splatters that contrasted against the white background. I teach affordable art classes every Sunday and Saturday afternoons, hoping that others could also find their passion.

Elain's had been left with the white background and a variety of flowers at the foot of the wall. I had asked her what was her favorite flower, but she had too many in mind. Now there's an assortment of vivid sunflowers, roses, tulips, snapdragons, and a whole ton more .

In the backyard, we'd have a little campfire for s'mores. Nesta and Elain had refused to chop the wood for the fire, until I mentioned who was paying for this home.

The view at nighttime was just breathtaking. You can see all of the mountain ranges and all of the shining stars in the sky.


The sunlight streamed through the blinds and into our room. It was already 11 AM, and my hair was a complete mess. I turned a bit and saw that a shirtless Rhysand's arms were wrapped around my waist. He smelled like beer and so did I.

"Good morning, Feyre darling," he purred as he always did each and every morning.

Finally, we both got out of bed and dressed ourselves to look presentable enough. We looked down the hallway and it seemed as if no one was awake yet.

"Let's wake them up by annoying then to hell," Rhys said softly.

I nodded and we headed to the bedroom at the very end of our hallway, Cassian's.

Rhys turned the knob slowly and carefully.

"Get close enough to scream in his ear," Rhys said with the quietest whisper.

The door was fully opened and Cassian was there, sleeping in bed. But he wasn't alone. There was another woman aside him.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Let me handle this," he whispered, creeping closer to the side of Cass's bed. He kneeled down and poked his cheek. Cassian's eyelids flew wide open as he jumped up in bed. The woman beside him woke up and we finally realized who she was.

"Feyre, Rhys, what are you doing in my room?! AND WHY THE HELL AM I IN BED WITH THIS PRICK!?!?" Nesta screamed aloud.

Cassian cleared his throat, "I believe this is my room."

Rhys mockingly cleared his throat, "I believe this is mine and Feyre Darling's home that we pay for." That seemed to silence them.

"What's happening here?" Mor, with her hair still perfect even in the morning, sleepily asked in the doorway with Amren and Azriel behind her. They finally realized that Cassian and Nesta were in the same bed, although they were fully clothed.

Az quickly whipped out his phone and snapped a picture, "Well this makes quite a photo."

Nesta jumped out of her bed, "Delete. That. Now."

"No can do," he teased and took off running as Nesta chased him.

"I really don't care what happened, I just need more sleep," Cassian said before dramatically falling back onto the bed.

"Wait, where's Elain?" I asked, realizing that she's not here with us.

I walked down the hallway, she wasn't in her room.

We all headed down the stairway and saw her through the giant glass doors to the garden.

"You guys are finally awake," she said.

"How in the world are you not hungover?" Asked Mor, still with dark circles under her eyes.

"Oh, simply that I'm sober and don't drink," Elain said calmly, returning to planting the new sunflower seeds she'd received from the market.

We turned around and saw a screaming Azriel running all over the place, "HELP ME."

"I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Nesta yelling, chasing after him.

What a nice way to kick off the new year.

365 Days of Feysand // One-Two ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now