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| Slight ACOWAR & ACOFAS spoilers |
Elain ~

The weather outside was absolutely nice with clear blue skies and the sun shining behind a few clouds. The wind blew against the leaves that rustled on the branches of trees. headed out to the garden to harvest my fruits and vegetables. My floppy hat was perched on top of my head, protecting me from the sun.

The tools were all kept in the shed next to our spacious garden which I tend to. The shed door slightly creaked as I peered in for a small hand spade.

Grabbing the spade off the hook, something suddenly fell from the top shelf. I picked up the gloves off the dirt. The gloves that Lucien had gifted to me for Winter Solstice. Lucien- my mate. I haven't seen him since.

I headed back to the patch of soil, hesitantly slipping the gloves over my hands.

The pumpkin I grew from Feyre's seeds was ripe and ready to be harvested. I cut it from the vine it was attached to and hoisted it into the kitchen.

Taking the gloves off, I placed them onto the kitchen countertop. What could I make out of a pumpkin? I picked up baking to try, pumpkin pie would be the perfect choice.

Following the cookbook of recipes, I started whipping together the dry and wet ingredients, including the fresh pumpkin. Then I placed it into the oven, sitting down to read for 45 minutes.

The timer went off and I got up from the kitchen table to pull out the pie. A dollop of whipped cream in the center was the finishing touch.

"Fresh pumpkin pie!" I said to no one in particular.

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it," said Feyre.

Standing in the doorway was Lucien. The first thing he saw were the gardening gloves I carelessly left alone.

"I'll ask if Rhys wants any," Feyre walked away, leaving me awkwardly alone with Lucien.

I started to cut the pie into equal sections, "Um, would you like a piece? I just baked it with fresh pumpkin."

He hesitated for a second, "Sure, thank you."

Lucien took the plate from my hands and lifted the fork towards his mouth.

"Do I smell foo-" Azriel froze in his footsteps, staring at Lucien. "Don't. You. Dare. Take. A. Bite." He rushed over and slapped that fork out of his hand, Elain watching in confusion.

Azriel turned to Elain, "Never give him any of your food. Do you understand?" His eyes narrowed back at Lucien, returned with the whirring noise of his.

| Author's ~ Note |

Literally typed part of this at a three hour school dance... And now it's late and I'm tired 😂
Why did they decide to have a dance on a MONDAY NIGHT? :'(

Honestly, I don't know who I ship...

• If they aren't together, then all mates don't always end up together or something like that
• Lucien deserves someone! Screw Tamlin!

• With Feyre x Rhysand and Nesta x Cassian, is this just going to end up with the Archeron sisters and the three Illyrians?
• They kind of have a sibling relationship in a way? BUT THEY'RE SO DAMN CUTE TOGETHER!

Elain and only Elain alone.
• I mean it is her choice if she's ready for a relationship...

Please comment who you ship! 🤗

365 Days of Feysand // One-Two ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now