Z.T.X.1 Mission (36)

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Why am I so affected?, why does it eat me alive that I killed him?, Why can't I use him as my motivation to fight?

Zeus's fist slammed into my face repeatedly but I was unmoving, my heart ached with more strength than my hatred for Zeus.

A cry of pain escaped my lips as the memory of his kiss burned my skin, Zeus smirked at my pain thinking he was the one to inflict it but I couldn't move to whip it off of his dirty face.

Why can't I move, why can't I fight for you.

Tears blurred my vision as Zeus slammed his foot repeated into my gut.

"Maxinder I'm sorry" I begged in my mind "I'm sorry".

I whimper before Zeus gripped my neck and choked me while pulling me to a close proximity to his face.

"You were doomed the day your mother told me no, if she wasn't such a beautiful whore, I wouldn't have raped her on the forest floor like the animal she was" he paused his hate speech and looked at me with a sadistic smirk "You're exactly like her the only difference is, I killed her mate while you killed yours" malice ran through his words and the reality of what I did slammed into me.

"NO" I shouted out, but it wasn't heard by anyone but the dead bodies that littered the earth and the hollowing wind.

Zeus's jumped back in fright as my body lit on fire.

I curled up into a ball and sobbed "No, please, come back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you, please, please don't leave me, PLEASE MAXINDER!"

Zeus's nose flared in anger "How dare you call that dog's name in the moment of your death by a god" his words burned my heart but before I could even realize my actions, my hand was wrapped tightly around his throat.

"Don't you dare" I replied in anger "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" His knees buckled as my nails dug into his flesh.

He tried to speak but my pressure on his throat made his words into incoherent noises.

I leaned in close to his face "I will take what you value most then I'll decimate every vile thing that you created" and with that I drew his immortality and God features through my nails and into my own body.

His screams sounded exactly like his son's Jack the Ripper.

"You've made me kill so many,so many of my brothers and sisters, innocent people, children, I felt that I had to be the one to give you what you deserve, when I found out I could, I was driven to finally end your tyranny but I forgot what having a mate meant, What's the use of winning if I can't share it with anyone, huh?" I glared at him with hatred "I hate you for making me into this person".

I released my hold from him and he fell face first into the blood covered soil.

My black lightening formed a whip in my hand and I squeezed in before I whipped it around his neck and opened the gate directly to the Abyss I made special for him.

He'll be dead in 12 hours but it'll feel like billions of years to him.

After seeing the gate close, I screamed in anger and pain and allow my power to kill everything created by Zeus.

My power poured from me and i cried out even more "Maxinder I'm sorry" I whispered after I felt my body become heavy with exhaustion, hitting the ground before I closed my eyes.

I saw the pieces of land floating everywhere, the universe was everything yet nothing at all.

I smiled to myself 'I guess this is what they meant' I thought in misery.

My eyes closed and before darkness consumed my consciousness I heard a voice whisper "You've done well".

A/n - Last Chapter?

Maybe ....



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