Z.T.X.1 Mission (3)

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Well this was unexpected.

I expected this moron to have a secluded house but there's literally an inch between all the houses on this block.

"Drive into the garage,get out and walk to the lawn at the front" i said calmly but i sensed a spike in his heart beat "Don't think you can warn him asshole i can remotely arm the knife in your thigh".

His body tensed and i knew his anger was boiling like a sexually frustrated teenager.

He parked the car and got out walking a head of me probably hoping his ali would notice the knife in his thigh but he forgot i''m a Titan,Zeus's Titan.

I cloaked it,so only he and i could see it.

I like giving people hope,and watch when it's taken away.It's pitiful how they break apart completely after that.

"Call for him Benjamin" i said in a sickly sweet voice.

He was biting his tongue right now,i smirked i can smell the blood.

I plunged my next knife into his back causing him to bite down more on his tongue.

"Call" i sneered at him.

"Allister!" he shouted out.

"Again" i whispered.

"Allister!!!" he balled.

"What Ben!,did you get the jo-" he paused and looked at both of us.

I smiled innocently "You must be...To be honest i don't know who you are" i said faking a puzzled face.

He smiled tightly while staring at me before his eyes flashed to Benjamin.I could tell he was asking what the hell's going on but before the moron could gesture anything i sent a shock through his body.

He bit down on this tongue more,swallowing the blood that was in his mouth before talking "This is Karma,you know my bestest friend".

I smiled sweetly before asking kindly who his friend is.

"The name's Allister Grant,Benjamin's older brother".

I made an Oh face "So your Poseidon's Titan huh".

He clenched his teeth while yet again doing a tight smile.

"If your asking yourself how could she possibly know that,the water Trident currently forming behind your back isn't a good idea Allister" i smiled rather smugly that was before Benjamin shoved a black sword through my heart.How Original.

To say i was shocked,not even a little.

I burst out laughing like a sword through the heart was a funny situation but if you knew what i did,it would be.

They both stared at me like if i was crazy.

I abruptly stopped laughing while smirking "You assholes honestly think you can kill me,WOW!,you guys are really smart" note,that was extreme sarcasm "I'm the only one here that's immortal besides my heart is indestructible,that happens when your heart is made out of electricity and revenge is a big part of your birth and life"my face was stone cold now "Who wants to die first" i said in a monotone.

They both were silent probably not expecting the 4 year old girl that went to the academy of elites with them for their entire life to be immortal.Like if that was my first or second or even 200th time there,morons.

"No takers,that's just sad" i said smirking sadistically just thinking of the blood.

I love blood.

I sprang for Benjamin while pulling the sword out of my body.I was now straddling his now frozen body,that happens when the knives are activated.

I leaned into his ear whispering "I hope you like hell Benjamin because that's where your going" his eyes went wide before i stabbed the sword into his heart.

The sword disintegrated because the host of it's power was died.

That's one down.

I turned around and walked over to a frozen Allister,i can see the fear in his eyes "I'm tired so i'll just cut your head off,is that okay".

He stood there with eyes as big as saucers "Tell uncle Poseidon i said hi when you see him".

After i killed the prick,i threw some water on him and walked into my lovely new house.

A/n~ Ayeee!!!!!

Merry Christmas loyal readers hehehe tbh i'm currently sipping on some vodka

(i love vodka)

Did an early update cause i love yall besides you deserve it :)

Bye guys enjoy yall holiday

P.s~ you can maybe expect some more early updates :)

Goals the same as the last chapter :)

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