"Park Jimin wake up" I shook him to wake him but he didn't stir.

Reminds me of the first day he transferred into Guemdo. It was something similar like this.

Shaking these thoughts off my mind, I concentrated on waking him.

After pulling his side burn, he finally opened his eyes. He looked annoyed for few second but it vanished away.

"Are you finally done? Can we go and eat now? I am starving " he said as he sat straight on the couch and rubbed his stomach pouting.

My heart did melt at that sight but I decided to act opposite.

"I am not coming" I said and walked away.

As I stepped outside my studio, a hand went under my knees and Park Jimin scooped me into his arms like a baby.

"Yah! Park Jimin, are you crazy?! Put me down!!!" I yelled as I hit his chest.

"Yes I am crazy Cha yunseo. I won't put you down until you eat with me" he smirked and I hit his chest one more time.

"Park Jimin Put me down!!!" I said more sternly but it didn't work.

"Not until you promise to eat dinner with me" he sang.

"Fine I promise to eat dinner with you but put me down!! I don't want anyone to get wrong idea" I gave in.

"You promised" he said in conformation and I nodded.

He smiled and put me down cautiously.

"Let's go" he said and extended his hand but I ignored it and walked by myself to the elevator.

Jimin unlocked his car and I got in the Passenger seat but after remembering the accident 6 years ago I looked at Jimin.

"Don't worry, I can drive and we won't get into accident" he smiled but I could see he was faking it.

I didn't say anything and he drove.

After 30 minutes he parked his car inside a buildings parking lot.

"I thought we were going to eat?" I asked him and he nodded.

"We are going to eat. I am cooking for you" he said as he parked his car.

"I never agreed to come here" I narrowed my eyes at him as he opened the door for me.

"Well you did promise to eat with me" he smirked.

"Let's go" I rolled my eyes and got inside the elevator.

He pressed the button and we got off on the 8th floor and entered apartment 806.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll change and make food for us" he said and I simply walked into the living room.

I sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone only to know my data pack was over limit

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I sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone only to know my data pack was over limit.

After 5 minutes he came out changed into tshirt and sweat pants.

"Hey Jimin, what's the wifi password?" I  asked him as he was on his way to kitchen

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"Hey Jimin, what's the wifi password?" I  asked him as he was on his way to kitchen.

"Its yunmin567, all in capital letters" he shouted as he got inside the kitchen.

No way it's what I am thinking right????

Not wanting to pry or anything, I just entered the password and scrolled through Instagram.

After 20 minutes, Jimin walked into living room.

"Let's go dinner is ready" he said.

"Can we eat here?? It's  showtime for 2D1N. They are airing two episodes in a row" I said and he nodded.

"Switch on the TV. I'll get us food" he said and handed me the remote.

I switched on the TV and played KBS world and Jimin came back with food.

He placed the bimbimbap on the table and sat next to me watching the show.

We were halfway through eating when I  choked on my food because of Kim Junho and Kim Jongmin

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We were halfway through eating when I  choked on my food because of Kim Junho and Kim Jongmin.

After dinner, during commercial break I helped Jimin with the dishes and we continued watching 2d1N.

It was already 10 when the 1st episode ended. I was supposed to go home but I didn't want to miss 2d1N so I kept my ego by side and continued watching second episode.

It was 30 minutes into the second episode when I felt a load on my shoulder.

Jimin was leaning on shoulder, totally asleep.

I removed his head off my shoulder when he lost balanced and fell flat on my lap.

What did I get myself into???

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PS: Last chapter coming up!!!!!

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