"You need to dress now, quickly. I was informed that the officer will be here in a minute." Vivianne said and rushed to us.

They worked quickly with the dress. About thirty seconds later, the dress was on me and I was slipping the heels on. I looked at the gigantic mirror and smiled at mu reflection.

"I look like a greek queen or princess." I commented.

Hnnah smiled, "You're not. You're a greek goddess."

I rolled my eyes but smiled at the girls warmly, "Thanks, guys."

I tried to pull them for a hug but they didn't want to because they insisted that they'd ruin my make-up or my dress. I only sighed and conceded. A few seconds later, there was a knock on my door.

I took a deep breath, "Here I go."

The three girls cheered and opened the door for me. The guard stared at me for a second then snapped out of his trance and offered his arm. I took it and he led me to the stairs.

"Where is the ball taking place?" I asked him.

"At the foot of the grand staircase, your highness." He replied.

I chuckled, "Who are you calling 'your highness'? I'm not a princess."

He smiled, "Right." Then he mumbled something I didn't hear.

When we reached the second floor, he bowed to me then left. There was an announcer placed there like the one in the Christmas Ball. He glanced at me then announced in a loud voice, "Lady Iole Haidee Eudora of Angeles!"

I looked at the people below me. They gasped and pointed. Some applauded. I saw Claire and Julianne over one side of the room. Their mouths were agape and if I'm correct, their eyes were glazing over. They looked wonderful. Julianne in an elegant red and gold ball gown and Claire in a fuschia pink and gold gown. Beside them, I saw Louise in a sky blue and gold gown. Her hair was stuled in curls and she looked wonderful. She smiled at me but I think there was a little sadness in her eyes.

I was about to go down but the announcer looked at me as if to tell me to stay put. So I did.

"Crown Prince Thornton Zeke Koskinen!" He announced.

I resisted myself from raising an eyebrow. When I looked at my right side, I saw him walking to me with a smile. I almost dropped my mouth. He looked amazing. I never knew he was so good looking in a white tuxedo. His hair was waxed and he stood with so much poise that I looked like a peasant beside him.

He offered me his arm and whispered faintly, "You look amazing."

My cheeks heated, "You too."

I took his arm and together, we walked down the stairs into the crowd. He led me to a table. In that table were Celestiana and William, Julianne, Claire, Louise, Beall, Fidel, Earl, Eldora, and some other dude that I recognized as New Asia's prince. The second in line for the throne, Prince Yuta Nanase.

I practically ran to them. Celestiana, Julianne, and Claire met me mid-way. We hugged each other tightly. Celestiana's belly had a little bump now. Julianne's hair grew longer and she looked more beautiful. Claire looked the same the last time I met her.

"Oh my god!" Claire exclaimed, "You're here!"

I nodded, "I am."

"It's been so long since I've seen you!" Celestiana said.

"They said you disappeared." Julianne stated, "We were worried you know? Where have you been?"

"About that," I started, "Well--"

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