We head inside, being the first few students to arrive like usual, and take our seats in the middle.
Most of our English sessions are spent discussing various topics and extracting the value of each. We talk about humanitarian issues, every day problems, worldwide dilemmas... so on. We even were assigned to write speeches last week on one of the topics we discussed throughout the year and had to read it in front of the whole school, if the teacher found it worthy of that.

Taylor and I both read ours. Her speech was related to animal abuse and experimentation while mine was, as you can guess, more on the feminist side. My speech was not attacking anyone, it was motivating and inspiring. Yet I still faced some rude comments. But all that did not matter after I saw the pride on the faces of my teacher, school principal and friends. And after I showed the video to my parents, they were just as proud.

That's when I realized how fearless I was in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire; because I'm not the kind of girl who settles for little. I have huge aspirations and goals I want to reach in my life and I will keep on not settling until I achieve them...


The first three periods passed by quickly, at least for Taylor and I, considering we actually payed attention and understood what was going on. Now it was time for lunch so we gathered our stuff and walked out of class after the bell rang, wanting to meet up with Andrew so we can head to the cafeteria together.

We spot him waiting by the lockers so we walk over. You can literally see his ear-to-ear grin from miles away.

"What's up with you?" I ask with a chuckle, opening my locker to dump my books inside.

"The chemistry teacher distributed back our tests of last week and I got an A+!! AN A+!" he held out the paper in our faces with the grade written in red.

"It's the first A+ I get in chemistry this year! You do remember how hard I studied for this exam. Basically because I was bugging the two of you with questions," he said with an innocent smile.

I laughed as I looked at Taylor who was playfully rolling her eyes at him, clearly remembering that night.

"I genuinely thought you were going to fail," she told him with a teasing grin, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

"I would have failed if it was you tutoring me. Fortunately, Jasmine was there to help too," he replied back with a smirk.

"Calm down you two. Let's go eat I'm hungry." I said between laughs.

We made our way into the cafeteria and took our food then sat down at our usual table. We ate more than we talked since we were all starving. I then got up to use the restroom, making my way down the hall and inside the ladies' room. I spotted two girls already in there, fixing their hair and makeup.

Ashley and Bree, the two obnoxious and self-centered cheerleaders. They were popular, obviously, and had all the boys swooning over them because of all the plastic in their bodies and the buckets of paint on their faces. What a catch!

I walked inside the bathroom stall without glancing their way. I knew they were still there from all the gossiping they did, this time about us.

"I'm sure Taylor must feel bad for her, that's why they're still friends. Poor thing. While Andrew must be gay for sticking around," they said and laughed, almost evilly.

I rolled my eyes at that. It was all déja-vu. It took me a lot of time to learn how to ignore all that is said about me. I feed off these words because they make me stronger. We literally gave them no reason to hate us. They just created their own little drama out of jealousy.

I was about to open the door when it didn't even budge. I tried again and again before I realized it had actually gotten locked, from the outside! How was that even possible?! Did they break the handle or something? Well, that's new. They never seize to amaze me.

I sighed and picked my phone up, calling Taylor.

"Tay, come get me out of the bathroom..."


Hello wonderful people!
First chapter up! I hope you all like it. Spent all day editing and trying to make this as funny and inspiring as possible! I have no idea how many times a week I'll be posting but I'll try my best!

Don't be a silent reader, vote and comment!
Much love <3

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