Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm signaling the start of a new day of highschool. I groaned and covered my head with my pillow, closing my eyes and wishing it were the weekend again. Unfortunately, life wasn't a wish granting factory. I stayed like that for a couple more minutes before I gathered the energy to get up, knowing that my mom will end dragging me out of bed anyways if I don't do it myself.

I got dressed, putting on low-waisted light blue jeans with rips on the knees, a white tee with small black horizontal stripes and my white and black adidas. I then fixed my hair, just leaving it loose and applied some lip balm. I wasn't a big fan of makeup so I had none applied to my face. I then grabbed my backpack, slung it over my shoulder and went downstairs where I was greeted by my parents in the kitchen. My mom having already set the table for breakfast and my dad was seated, reading the newspaper.

"Good morning." I kissed them both on the cheek and sat down at the table.

"Good morning sweetheart," they both said in unison.

There were pancakes, eggs and bacon, toast and jam and my all time favorite, orange juice. No matter how weird this sounds but I could never swallow a meal without it.

We ate and had a normal conversation about school and work before we bid each other farewell and went our seperate ways.

My mom was a housewife so she stayed at home, taking care of the house and us. My dad, on the other hand, was a successful and well known lawyer. Thankfully, not to the point where we had paparazzi and fame involved in our lives.

I rushed outside, right as the school bus stopped in front of the house, and got inside, taking a seat by the window. I plugged my earphones in, my eyes fixed on the bracelet wrapped around my wrist only consisting of a black string and a golden dinosaur pendant...


Upon reaching the school gates, I made my way inside and straight to my locker. I feel razor sharp gazes following my every move; nothing new.

Rumors were made about me, none of which were true, of course, but everyone believed them anyways. Seeing that I wasn't one bit affected, they just forgot about everything they said and tried to get to me in other pointless ways.

I know it seems like I'm exaggerating but I, myself, don't know what's wrong with everyone. They just can't see someone genuinely happy without having to ruin it for them. But in the end this is my life, my storybook. I will never let anyone else write it nor will I apologize for the edits I make. So they can dirty my name all they want but I'll wear their hate like war paint.

I spot my best friends, Taylor and Andrew, talking by the lockers. After grabbing my books, I walk over to them and give each a hug which they happily return.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Jas, how was your weekend?" Taylor asked as we walked side by side to class.

"It was good, nothing interesting happened. And you guys?"

"My uncle invited my family to his beach house for BOTH days, yet with all the tanning I did, I'm still so pale," Taylor said with a pout, holding her hand out to show us her skin color which actually still was lighter than mine and Andrew's.

"Oh stop whining at least you were at the beach. I, on the other hand, had to babysit my sister while my parents went out to celebrate their anniversary," Andrew said, mimicking her pout.

I just laughed at the two of them before we parted ways. Taylor and I had English while Andrew had Chemistry.

English was my ultimate favorite subject. It's the only one that doesn't limit my imagination and creativity with numbers or formulas or memorizing. Plus the teacher is quite down to Earth and very inspiring. She'll be such a great role model to her kids some day.

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