Remember Me

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We all have someone we never speak of. Someone who meant so much, that even hearing their name makes your soul tremble with memories...


Jasmine Bryant is your typical teenager. She is well known for being a straight A student and still very beautiful with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. You might think of her as perfect with girls wishing to be her and handsome guys wanting to be with her, but that is not the case. Her friends can be counted on one hand, she has no handsome boyfriend (and wishes to have none at the moment) and is faced with daily highschool problems. It's just that we always have that one person or group who people envy for just being themselves.

Even with all that, Jasmine is always grateful for everything that happens in her life and for all the people who still have a place in there. But one day, curiosity gets the best of her and she decides to try and meet friends off the internet. Her goal is to be sociable and enlarge her circle of friends but what happens when she meets Elijah Sanders? A guy she feels she had known her entire life...

Follow Jasmine in her journey of friendship, love and shock in "Remember Me".


CAST: (how i imagine them but feel free to choose whoever you want!)

CAST: (how i imagine them but feel free to choose whoever you want!)

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Jasmine Bryant

Elijah Sanders

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Elijah Sanders

Elijah Sanders

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Taylor Carter

Andrew Davidson

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Andrew Davidson


Hello wonderful people!
I'm finally back on wattpad after atleast a 2-3 year break! I have been writing offline but not stories so I'm really excited about this one! I hope that this time I'll end up completing this story and most importantly I hope everyone enjoys what I have to offer!

Don't be a silent reader, vote and comment!
Much love <3

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