[21] of course

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Well..." I say, looking down.

You need to do this. Don't be a baby. Don't be shy. Who are you? YOU'RE KENDRA ROSS GOSH DARNET! Do it!

After a short mental battle with myself, I look up.

Archer is staring at me. His eyes look excited, but the rest of him looks nervous; his hands are shaking a little and his eyebrows are knitted together.

I sigh and look down. I just need to say it. Then the rest will come easy.

"I..." I look down.


"Uhm..." my head starts to throb.

Finally, I find the courage to look up at him and keep it that way.

"Yes. Yes, Archie Andrews." I say the last part deliriously. I'm lightheaded and dizzy, barely even able to register Archer's grinning face, and then my head on his shoulder as he pulls me against him.

"Really?" He asks, taking me gently by the shoulders, his eyes bright. My vision seems to clear, but I don't remember it getting blurry in the first place.

"Of course." I smile, throwing my arms around him. I'm too happy to think straight.

I pull away to look into his eyes. "Of course." I repeat, just so I can hear myself say it again.

"Well then, Ken." He says in his British accent, bowing down. "Would you like to accompany me to thy lunchroom?" I laugh, accepting his extended arm.

"That would be quite wonderful, m'lady." I say, in an accent that sounds more Australian than British. He wrinkles his nose and laughs.

"First of all, that's a horrible accent. And second, did you just call me a lady?" He asks, tilting his head a bit as we start to walk. The bell rang a few minutes ago, but we can take our time. After all, it feels like time stopped, and it's just him and I.

"I believe I did." I say flippantly, removing my hand from his arm to lace my fingers in his. I look up at him and grin.

As we near the lunchroom, I turn to him.

"Are you okay with letting people know?" I ask him. "Wait, never mind. I don't have any friends. No one's gonna care." I realize, shrugging. He scratches the back of his neck with his free hand.

"I think Brandon's going to care." I roll my eyes.

"Who cares about Brandon." I say, taking my seat. Archer sits across from me, like always. But it feels different. Almost a little awkward, and I think about us going on a date, sitting just like this. My face heats up.

I think about what mom said. What if this doesn't work out? What if we decide to break up, go back to being friends. What if we realize it's too awkward to be around each other, and we just decide to drop being friends altogether? And then it'll be just me. No friends at all. Just Kit being her usual, snobby self. Brandon glaring at me. Bree making fun of me and giving me a stink eye whenever possible.

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