Chapter 25 - The Unanswered Question

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It had been a month since four children had exhibited super powers in the small lakeside neighborhood of Madrona. But so few people had seen them demonstrate their powers, it was almost as if it had never happened at all. Signs of normalcy and calm were still everywhere.

“It’s not fair. You can’t be the seeker, you have to be one of the hiders.” Zach explained for the umpteenth time.

“I promise not to cheat.” Binny was laughing as she said the words, her smile making it clear she had no intention of honoring that promise.

A chorus of “Hi Mom”s rang out from the Jordan siblings as they passed their mother coming up the steps to the house, while they ran in the opposite direction. 

“Where are you all going?” Julie inquired. 

“Oh, hi Mrs. Jordan.” Penny flashed a toothy grin as she brought up the rear of the pack.

“Hi Penny. And please call me Julie.”

“Okaaaaaaay.” Penny’s voice got fainter as she ran past. The last thing Julie could make out was Penny saying, “Well Cassie has to do the seeking. We’ll never find her if she hides.”

Julie continued her ascent onto the porch and towards the front door wondering what the children were debating as they ran down the hill. She almost ran into Jay leaning against the front door frame, arms crossed, smirk on his face, and shaking his head. “I have no idea either.”

Julie and Jay shared a laugh.

“I was just coming by to spend some time with the kids. I’d promised Zach that we would play some chess.” Julie’s smile was still a touch nervous, her statements a little bit tentative.

“Of course. Zach will love that. Are you staying for dinner? It’s grilled cheese and steamed cauliflower night. There’s plenty.” Jay raised his eyebrows in mock enticement.

“Mmmmm, my favorite.” Julie joked, but her eyes showed she was grateful for the warm welcome. 


 “But I want to play hide-and-seek again!” Cassie whined. 

“We’ve already played twice. Dad wants us to get home for dinner. If he has to come get us he’s going to be annoyed.” Binny lectured her sister.

“I don’t care!”

“Hey Cassie, what if we stop and say hi to Rembrandt on the way home.” Penny suggested.

“Ooooh, okay.” Cassie’s tone went from dark and stormy to endless sunshine in a flash.

Binny held her tongue despite the exasperated look on her face. All three girls started the trek towards the edge of the Madrona woods and then home when Binny noticed that Zach was dawdling. “Are you coming?”

“Yeah. You guys go ahead. I’ll catch up. There’s something I want to check really quick first.”

“You want me to wait?” Binny asked.

“Nah. You better go with the princess or she’ll never make it home.” Zach laughed.

Binny gave Zach a knowing look, as she knew all-too-well their sister’s penchant for wandering off at inopportune moments. And then, Binny herself was off running after Penny and Cassie. Zach could hear her yelling “Hey, wait up.” as she got further away.

Zach waited briefly while Binny faded into the distance of the now dusky forest before he traced the path backwards for a couple of minutes. Eventually he caught up with his quarry. “Hey Caleb.”

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