Chapter 16 - The Magic Markers

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“I thought the whole point of this exercise was to keep her out of danger.” Zach kept his voice quiet so Cassie, who was right behind them, wouldn’t hear. “And now we’re taking her straight to the house of the guy who probably put her in danger in the first place? This makes no sense.”

Binny kept walking determinedly towards Dr. Huitre’s house with Zach and Cassie trailing behind her. Zach looked at Binny for a while longer hoping that maybe his expectant stare at the back of her head would prompt a response. But after a bit he gave up, realizing that no answer was forthcoming.

As for Binny, she felt a lot less confident than she looked. She tried to focus on just a few important facts to guide her. Her sister had the power to make herself invisible. Their obstetrician had given their mother an experimental drug before she got pregnant. If the lab, or anyone else for that matter found out what Cassie could do, they would take her away and do experiments on her. These things were clear.

Binny’s parents’ total lack of usefulness was another thing that was clear. Whatever it was that was distracting them was clearly more important than this. But what could be more important than their children being in danger? 

Binny didn’t know why she was so certain that she and her siblings were in danger, but she was. Binny had a strong feeling. And usually, when she had a strong feeling, she was right. And that meant it was up to her – with or without help – to deal with the situation. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. Each of Binny’s knocks on Dr. Huitre’s door punctuated her thoughts. She was doing the right thing. The necessary thing. For Cassie.

Binny fidgeted with the phone in her pocket. Zach had helped her set it to record before she started knocking. Zach and Cassie stood behind her. Zach was nervous, but Cassie had a big smile, likely inspired by the prospect of more junk food. For a moment Binny thought there would be no answer at the door. But just as she was considering what to do next, the door opened.

Dr. Huitre was on a phone call. Again. He smiled broadly as he opened the door, winking at the kids, and motioning towards the phone against his ear. “Yes. Of course I am listening,” he said into the phone, and then mouthed the words “come in come in” to the kids as he shut the door behind them.

Rembrandt snuffled up to Cassie as the kids entered the house. Zach stood so far back from the dog his back was almost up against the front door.

The man disappeared down the hallway to his office, gesturing to the kids that he’d be done in a minute or two and to make themselves at home while he wrapped up his call.

“Cassie, what are you doing?” Binny reproached her little sister.

Cassie had marched over to the kitchen counter to retrieve the markers she’d been using the previous day. Next to them were a few sheets of what looked like scrap paper. She had helped herself and started drawing at the table. “I’m coloring.” Cassie responded, ignoring her sister’s annoyed tone.

Binny was about to put an end to that when Zach intervened and told her it was no big deal. At least Cassie was distracted. Zach had a good point.

Soon Dr. Huitre reappeared, his phone call apparently concluded. “So sorry about that, children. Would you like some cookies?”

Before Zach or Binny could respond, Cassie piped up with an instant “Yes please.” Binny shook her head.

“We didn’t come here for cookies.” Binny replied to Dr. Huitre. 

“Well, whatever the reason, I am glad you did. You are always welcome to visit. My front door is open to you children.” Rembrandt was over-excited at having guests in the Huitre home. Dr. Huitre led Rembrandt out to the backyard, closing the sliding door after the dog. Binny could sense Zach’s relief. 

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