Chapter 6 - The Invisible Girl

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“Can I tear you away from that game for a minute?” Julie Jordan plopped down on the floor next to Zach. 

“Uh huh.” Zach made a sound that sounded like agreement but showed no sign of stopping the game.

“So when I ask to tear you away from the game, and you agree, that should mean that you actually stop playing the game for a second so I can have your attention.” Julie was never one to shy away from teasing her children. While they did many things differently, teasing their kids was one topic on which she and Jay were firmly in sync.

“Okay, okay.” Zach paused his game, turned to look at his mother, raised his eyebrows, and let out an elongated “Yesssss?” Zach was no stranger to sarcasm either.

“I want to talk to you about Binny.”

Zach’s shoulders slumped a bit and he let out an audible “ugh”. “I know what you’re gonna say.”

“What am I gonna say?” Julie mimicked her son’s intonation as she asked him the question.

“That I should be nicer and be a better big brother.”

“I have to ask Zach, if you already know what I want, why don’t you just do it?” Julie pushed gently.

“Just because I know what you want, doesn’t mean I don’t feel I’m already doing it.” Zach responded.

“Ah. Well played my son. Well played. But despite your cleverness, this is where you and I disagree.”

“She could be a better sister you know. She yells and goes crazy on me.” Zach said.

“And I’m sure that on 100% of the occasions where that’s happened, you’ve been completely innocent.” Julie asked rhetorically.

“Yes.” Zach nodded earnestly. “Completely innocent.” But even Zach couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth from turning up in a smile that told his mother all she needed to know.

All Julie had to do was raise her eyebrows and Zach caved, reassuring her that he would be nicer to Binny in the future.

Julie continued, “She’s having a hard time you know. It’s tough to be the middle kid. She gets it from you and from Cassie all the time. Since it’s always the kids closest in age that argue, there’s no Jordan sibling fight that she’s not a part of.”

“Has it occurred to you that if she’s part of every fight that maybe she’s the problem?” Zach smiled, proud of his clever argument. But before his mother could get really annoyed at him, he added, “Just kidding. I know. I know. I’ll be nicer. I promise.”

Julie shoulders un-tensed just a touch with the hope that Zach’s promise wasn’t an empty one. Julie continued, “Sweetie, it’s just that I can’t always be around to protect her,” Julie paused and then hastened to add, “because I’ve had to be at work a lot. So I need you to go a little easy on her. Okay? Sorry, I’m done. I know you get it. I’ll stop now.”

After giving her son what she hoped looked like an expression of satisfaction, Julie switched topics. “Honey do you mind helping me find Cassie? She’s out and about somewhere. It’s been way too long since she’s had a bath, and I can’t find her. Would you mind looking outside and corralling her while I get the bath started?”

“Can we play a game of chess later?” Zach negotiated for something in return.

“Yes. Of course sweetie.” Julie agreed. And then added, “I love getting humiliated at chess by a twelve-year-old.” 

Zach picked himself up off the floor to go find his sister, but not before he added with a winking smile “I love that part too.” 


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