Ambition for some Disease

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Viggo, Ryker, Havòk and Ann will only be mentioned in this chapter. This is a story what happens behind their backs. The main characters in this chapter are five men called: Arne and Bjarne (they are brothers), Harald, Ivar and Ulf.

"I'm sick of them!" A Hunter called Harald said. He was in the cave, laying on his bed, complaining about the chief and his brother. Everything had changed with those two after the girl had arrived. The chief especially was the one that created this mess in Harald's head. This was not how they worked all these years. Hunting dragons, killing them for their skin, meat and bones was what they did for centuries. Now the chief only sold living dragons and skinning those who had died of starvation or stress in their cages. 

"What are you complaining about this time, Har?" Bjarne asked him annoyed. "It's that girl! She has changed our way of working and has taken control over the mind of our chief. He is not the same!" Harald yelled out. "He is in love with her, Harald. And he hasn't changed, he has adapted his way of acting around here so she wouldn't be too scared to what we used to do. We still sell skins, hides, meat and bones. We just don't skin the dead dragons on this island anymore. He took that as a precaution not to scare her and not having her to see those actions." Bjarne explained. "Pffrr. Do you even believe yourself?" Harald mocked.

Arne, Ivar and Ulf came in laughing about Ulf's jokes. "Tell us another one!" Arne yelled for him. "Where did the school teacher send the Viking when he got sick in class?" Ulf asked the two others. "I have no idea. Tell us!" Ivar said. "To the school Norse!" The men fell to the ground of laughing, probably wetting their pants. 

"Would you guys stop that?" "Ow, sorry mister Grumpy. Did we annoy you again?" Arne stood before Harald. "Go away or I will break your nose." Harald warned. Arne wanted to do something, but Bjarne signed him not to. Harald was about to explode. "What's wrong with him?" Arne asked his brother. 

"What do you think? It's the Grimborn brothers and Viggo's girlfriend. They piss him off. For the hundredth time." Bjarne filled in for them. "Thor, can't he just stop for one moment? I dislike them as well, but I am not complaining all day!" Arne said a bit loud so Harald would hear it. Harald growled and lost his temper, hitting Arne in the face. "What in Thor's name did you do? You hit my brother!" Bjarne yelled out.

"What is our purpose here if we can't fulfill our work correctly? I think it's time for a new house to be chiefs around here!" Harald began. "And how do you want to do that?" Ivar asked him. "I have to come up with a plan. A plan that kills the two brothers and leaves the girl mourning over them and leave to her own island! Then one of us steps up as chief and the others will be in charge as well. Who's up to it?" He held his fist up in the air. The other men were not so enthusiastic about it. "Would you think it's actually going to work?" Ulf asked him. "Ow, I will make it work." Harald grinned. He went thinking about the idea of sending the brothers to Valhalla and the girl to her own island in pain and grief.

A few days had passed and Harald was still working on his plan. He wrote up certain details he got into his mind during the work hours and used those notes to develop his evil plan. It was late in the evening when the others showed up slightly drunk. "Have you guys been feasting again?" Harald asked annoyed. "Hey, we enjoyed some relax time! Viggo has taken care of this for us to have a night like this. Feasting, chatting, fighting sometimes." Arne started. 

"Yeah, but Ann would get in between if that happened. She is a good person anyway." Bjarne filled in. "A good person, huh?" Harald mocked. "Thor, lighten up man. You have been much more boring since you started thinking about getting rid of them. If you do, you would be in the history books for bad reasons." Arne said and walked off. "Wait! That's it!" Harald yelled out. "What is it now?" Bjarne sighed out. "The history books! Can you guys lend me yours?" Harald got excited. "Sure, take them all. We don't read them anyway. Books are for nerds." The two brothers said and went to bed.

Another two days went by and Harald was almost finished with his plan. "I got everything sorted out, guys. I have been looking through all your history books and found some interesting facts." Harald grinned evilly. "And what are those facts then?" Ulf mocked to him. 

"Well, I have found that the crew on the Reaper, the ship with one of the Grimborn ancestors, had been wiped out entirely due to a horrible disease. The Scourge of Odin!" "What?! How did you get to that? There hasn't been a single case of the Scourge in centuries! How would you bring it back?" Bjarne got up to him. "We go to that ship and look for anything that might be infected with the Scourge and bring that back! One of us has to stay back here to receive the item and infect them by using it." He explained. 

"And how did you even find out what happened to one of their ancestors? A former Hunter chief had disappeared without a single trace!" Arne asked him. "It said in the books that Viggo's predecessor had vanished into thin air. Other books mentioned when the Scourge swept through the Archipelago, leaving behind many victims. Those two periods matched perfectly together!" Harald said like he made the world's biggest discovery.

"But how is the Scourge transmitted then? I know you can't catch it by breathing." Ivar questioned to the group. "It's transmitted by blood contact, which means the brothers have to be cut or something. Like I said, one of us is staying behind to receive and use the item against those two. Who volunteers?" Harald said. The men hesitated for a moment. "I don't know if we should do this. If we get busted, we might end up being badly punished. Maybe even punished to death." Ulf said hesitating. The other three agreed to him, to the annoyance of Harald. 

"Look, do we want to have control in our own hands or what?" He started intimidating the others. "Fine, I'll stay behind. What do I have to do in the meantime you guys are going to look for the Reaper and retrieve the infected item?" Bjarne said. "We will use the excuse to go fishing. We take a fishing boat and head out. You, Bjarne, just do work around here like usual." Harald said. 

"Wait, but you two are always together in work. Wouldn't it be obvious that you are getting separated now?" Ivar noticed in the plan and looked to the two brothers in the room. "Yes, that's true. We are always together. How will we do that not to look suspicious?" Arne asked. "Just make up that you two have been in a fight or argument or something. We have to sneak out of here."

The men had their plans arranged and were ready to start it up. The time must be right for it. "So when we will put it into work?" Ulf came to Harald. "Not yet at least. The time is not yet to come. But mark my words, when the plan will be put into work, there is no way they are going to get away from their destiny. They will die for what they have done." Harald narrowed his eyes, looking to Viggo's tent and laughed from the inside.

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