The Bonding with a Dragon

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"Wait, you say Darren actually tried to kill you?" Viggo asked perplexed. "Yes, and honestly I didn't expect anything else from him. Somehow I knew he would try to kill me one day, but I never kept it in mind he waited for a moment like this. He wants the title of chief, but he will never get it." Ann said determined. 

"He better stay away from you from now on. If he comes into my vision again, I will kill him for what he has done to you." Viggo got furious the more he thought about it. "No, Viggo! He's mine, I just said that. My face will be the last one he sees." Ann held him back. He sighed deeply, trying to let go of his anger. "Fine, but I will have your back! Once he tricks you again, I will strike immediately and ruthlessly! He will regret every move he made." "I love it when you're this protective over me." Ann held her hand out for him and he took it. "Of course! I love you and I will never let anything happen to you." He smiled and came in for a small kiss.

"But having my back is fine, baby. Just keep in mind that I will be the one who takes him down." Viggo nodded in agreement. "But what happened after I was knocked out?" Havòk asked. "He got down close to me, saying these terrible words and stomped on my hands, causing me to let go and fall into the darkness." "What did he say?" Both men asked. "Say hello to everyone in Valhalla for me." "My Thor! He is out of his mind!" Havòk was completely shocked. Viggo only growled violently in his hate for Darren.

As some hours went by, Ann got back on the deck, still in terrible pain. Having received a chair, she had to just sit and not move for the pain. Knowing her, she just couldn't sit still for too long and she didn't. Instead, she listened to what the skies around her had to tell. 

For a while, she heard nothing but the ocean. Then, she heard dragons coming closer. "Guys, dragons heading this way. North-East from us now." "Great, now let's get those dragons. Hope there are no Riders around." Viggo said directly. 

Immediately, they went North-East and found a large group of dragons. Nightmares, Gronckles, Zipplebacks, a Hackatoo, a small Timberjack, a Shivertooth, some Tide Gliders, a few Raincutters, lots of Terrible Terrors and quite some Nadders. There was also something in the far distance, but Ann couldn't point out what that sound was, though it was familiar somehow.

As the men were shooting down and getting the dragons on board, Ann noticed there was a blue-greyish Deadly Nadder fighting with the men for its own freedom and that of the other dragons that reflected her own spirit. Protective, fierce, caring. A free spirit that would do everything for the ones she loves. Ann knew that she had to take the opportunity with this dragon. 

She stumbled to the Nadder, which had the same thin iris as Serana had when she last saw her. Those memories flashed through her mind. That poor girl all terrified of what all had happened. Shaking her head to focus on this dragon again, she noticed the dragon wasn't looking at her, but to the man with a crossbow behind her. "Weapons down, now!" She yelled. "Uhh, what?" One man with an axe asked. "Do as I say, now!" Ann got pissed off. "Do what she says." They heard Viggo order. 

The men lowered their weapons slowly, some even lying them down on the deck. "It's alright now. Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Ann said softly stretching out her hand. "Ann, what are you doing?" Viggo asked her. "There is one thing I've learned in that cave and that is that not all dragons have a bad attitude. Some are caring. And this dragon? I see myself in her. She reflects my own spirit." Everyone was confused to see such thing happening right in front of their faces. Some were amazed, others just wanted to finish what they started and kill the beast.

Slowly Ann got closer and saw that the dragon's pupils got larger. A sign that this dragon trusts her. Just inches in front of the snout, Ann stopped and held her hand still stretched out. It was the dragon's choice now to press her snout to Ann's hand palm or not. Looking away, avoiding eye-contact, Ann waited until... 

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