A Little Break

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Ryker sent a letter to Viggo that Ann would come to take a little break while she prepared to leave. She packed her backpack and looked for Havòk who was going with her. "Just come to Glacier Island to join us again. We'll be there in two or three weeks. I'll keep you updated about that by Terror Mail." "Okay, I will keep an eye open." She smiled at him and gave him a goodbye hug.

"Would you do me a favor, sis?" Ryker asked her quickly before she would get on a different ship to leave for Hunter Island. "Sure, what is it?" She replied to him. "Take the dragons we have captured so far with you back to the island. At least these would be secured from any attacks the Riders might try to pull off. Can you do that?" "Was that a rhetorical question?" She peeked over her shoulder with much mischief in them.

They went back to the deck where Havòk was waiting for her and they stepped over to another ship. The dragons that were in the cells were transferred to the ship in particular. Ryker waved when they sailed away. 

Ann was happy Havòk was willing to go with her, going back to her lover. They were close friends after all. "Hey Ann, have you already thought about the help you need when you are going to give birth to this baby?" "Uh, no, I haven't. Why?" "You sure you don't need any?" He said with a grin on his face and Ann laughed in confusion.

"Of course I need help by then, but come on! Tell me what you mean!" "I can help you delivering the little one!" "You know how to help a laboring woman?" "Yep!" "How?" "I have been trained for it! I have helped many women on my own island giving birth. It was a normal thing for us to let men help with a birth and for the husbands to be there when the little one would be born!" "Wow, that's something totally different from what we are used to. But I need to speak to Viggo about this, I'm not going to decide on this alone." "I completely understand! Just have a talk with him about it and I will hear what you think about this proposal." He said and Ann smiled.

It didn't take long before they finally arrived back on the Island. Ann rushed to Viggo's tent, but he wasn't there. Where could he be? She yelled for him a couple of times when she was standing in front of his tent, but there was no respond. She asked multiple men where he was, but no one knew. She went back to his tent again to get some rest.

By the evening, Viggo finally returned to his tent. "Ann? You're already back? I didn't expect you back here so soon!" He said, walked to her and gave her a big hug with a little kiss on her cheek. "I couldn't stay away from you for too long! Besides, quite some things happened in the meantime that Ryker and I were on the mission." She told him. "What kind of things?" "We've come across a group of teens who ride dragons! One of them even rides a Night Fury!"

"A Night Fury?!" Viggo shouted a bit as he was surprise. "But how many of these so called 'Riders' are there in that group?" Viggo continued. "Six riders with five dragons. A Zippleback, a Monstrous Nightmare, a Gronckle, a Deadly Nadder and last the Night Fury. In the group, two girls and four guys." "And who seems to be the leader?" Viggo kept on asking for more answers. "Apparently the boy on the Night Fury. The two Berserkers seem to know them well and Dagur told us that this boy is the son of Stoick the Vast, chief of Berk." She told him and Viggo started to think about everything he knew about Berk.

"Baby, I think you might have a strong opponent against you. One who is not afraid to hold back and sacrifice everything if he has to." Ann said to him. "I know, I'll start to think on how we are going to compete with this boy. But in the meantime, I want to spend some time with you." He said smiling to his girlfriend.

"When do you have to go back to Ryker? Did you already make a deal on that?" "Yes, we did. I'll go back to your brother in about a week and a half, joining him at Glacier Island to get some sort of tooth, he said." "A Snow Wraith tooth, you mean? And what is that object Ryker is talking about? The Dragon Eye?" "I don't exactly know what it is, but Dagur keeps on telling about some cylindrical object with a dragon's head like front side." Ann said and Viggo was surprised.

Could this be our long lost object? The one which might be centuries old? If so, I need to get it back! Viggo thought. "Baby, you okay?" Ann asked concerned. "Of course, I am. No need to worry about me, sweetie. Now, let's get to our spot and do what you always love to do, shall we?" He said giving her a smile and wink. He held his arm around her the whole time. They had the time of their lives being completely alone together, without Ryker around them. They knew that Havòk would leave them alone, he respected their time together.

After the one and a half week, Ann prepared to go back to the mission. This time, the goodbye was harder for both of them. They had the chance to have complete time alone together! But Ann made up her mind and she would go back to Ryker to continue their mission, she knew her brother needed her support.

"Hey Viggo, why do we have to go to Glacier Island? Ryker told me I have to meet him there." She asked as she was preparing herself. "If you say that those Riders have the Dragon Eye, an ancient object from my tribe, I need it back and the easiest way is to unlock it, is using a Snow wraith tooth. I would like you guys to try and get one of those." Viggo explained to her as he held her by the waist and tried to steal a kiss.

"What if the Riders disrupt what we are trying to achieve then? Wouldn't surprise me they find out about our plans." She went in for the kiss as she held her arms around her lover's shoulders. "I will come up with a plan in that case. Don't you worry about that, my love." He held her as close to him as he could. She gave him a small signal to get a little naughty if they could. And they would.

A few hours later, Ann and Havòk left Hunter Island to go to Glacier Island. Viggo went together with her and Havòk to the docks to say goodbye for now. "I'll miss you." She hugged him tightly. "I will miss you too, my love. Please, stay safe." He smiled at her as he let her go to board the ship. They waved as the ship sailed off to the horizon.

"Soren, would you bring her this?" Viggo held up a small paper note for the barn owl that took his seat on Viggo's spiky shoulderpads. Soren took it in his claws and flew off to the ship, giving it to Ann. She opened it and read it through.

She held it close to her chest as it made her so happy and loved

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She held it close to her chest as it made her so happy and loved. It sounded so much like him! He was the best that had ever happened to her as well. She knew he would always try to make her feel happy, loved and bring a smile on her face. Just as she does for him. "I love you too!" She yelled back to the island from the back of the ship, hoping he would hear it.

Once they arrived, Ryker and Heather were waiting for her. "Were you waiting long for us?" Ann asked her brother. "No, not that long. We have also arrived just a few hours ago." He said.

They all went back to work, but Heather stayed surprisingly close to Ann. "What's the matter, Heather?" She said annoyed. "Well, I just wondered how you can still be working while you're pregnant." Heather said very cautious. Ann sighed. "You also could've asked me. I had to flee from my own Island not so long ago and I got to Viggo and Ryker on Hunter Island. They took care of me immediately once they realized I was pregnant." "You were already pregnant when you got here?" Heather asked astonished.

"Yes, I have been married, but I lost my husband in the attack upon my island. Anyway, I joined Viggo and Ryker in a depth because they took me in like I was family. I'm grateful for that." She explained. "Oh, that's something totally different to what I heard from everyone else." "I have been keeping it secret for everyone, only Viggo and Ryker know this as well. The men are coming up with so many different stories from every little detail they can get their hands on. I don't mind actually, some stories are quite funny though." Ann laughed a bit.

"Where's Dagur actually? Haven't seen his craziness around yet." Ann asked her. "He's looking for something on a different island. He'll be back soon." Heather explained. "Ann! Let's go!" Ryker yelled. "Coming!" She yelled back and then turned back to Heather. "Let's get back to work!"

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