Night of the Hunters, Part 1

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A few weeks after Viggo's birthday, Ann was about three and a half months pregnant and still very happy with Viggo. He had requested her to go on a mission to get dragons for him together with Ryker. "You also have to pick up two new workers! A brother and sister, they said they were. They will help you capture dragons. You are above them, remember that. And Ann, please be careful on this mission. Please keep an eye on our little one for me, hmm? And, if you need it, Ryker is allowed to have you in his arms when you need to sleep. Just to keep the nightmares away, right?" She nodded, Ann and Viggo said their goodbyes and Ann went with Ryker on this mission.

Before they went to get the two Berserkers, Ann instructed the crew. "Listen up! We are going to get some Berserkers who will help us with this mission. There's only one thing. Do not tell them about my relationship with Viggo and don't tell them he is the father of the child I'm carrying. Just make up a story which might tell something totally different. Anything is welcome. Now get back to work!"

They searched some islands together to find the two before they got to an island with plenty of dragons. They caught as many as possible and loaded them into the cages. Ryker got annoyed by one man who kept on yelling to a Monstrous Nightmare to be quiet and bash his weapon into the cage. So Ryker was being Ryker again and grabbed the man's head to hold him against the cage.

"Just load them up." "Yes, Ryker. Sorry, Ryker!" "Look at 'em. Powerful. Perfect. Remember, they're smarter than you." He said and threw the man away when the Nightmare charged. "But not me, hehehe." He joked around. "Ryker, just leave it and let's go!" Ann said a bit annoyed. "Wait." Ryker said and sniffed the air. "Grab that Nadder!" Ryker suddenly ordered and the men responded to that immediately.

A blue Deadly Nadder appeared to the sky. "Is that someone riding that dragon?" Ann asked Ryker confused. "Yep." He replied. "Get us outta here, Stormfly!" The girl yelled and the dragon dived to the Hunters who had to duck. "Archers, loose!" Ryker yelled and the archers shot some arrows. The dragon evaded the arrows and Ryker got sick of it.

He pushed a man away, got his bow and arrow and shot an arrow when the Nadder shot a spine shot. "When a Nadder shoots its spines, it always leaves its belly exposed." Ryker said with a grim. The dragon was flying uncontrollably, threw its rider off and got caught by the Hunters. They got it on board when Ryker ordered to move out. "What about the rider?" A man yelled. "Never mind! We got that dragon." He said enjoying he had the dragon and they left.

That evening, Ann and Ryker got together. "Hey, nice shot you made this afternoon." "Thanks, it was a bullseye again. Nothing special about it actually." "Or a shot in a dragon's butt!" Ann joked around and they both had to laugh. Ann stretched out before she decided to go to bed. "That's okay, little sis. I'll be there right with you, if you want?" He said concerned still about her nightmares. "I'll be trying to sleep on my own this time. If things don't go as I planned, then I'll get to you again, okay?" She said and Ryker nodded.

She tried to sleep, but eventually, she had to go to Ryker again. He went with her, they laid down and he took her in his arms. She fell asleep immediately, and so did he.

The next day, Ryker and Ann got to work as soon as they woke up. They were about to head to some other islands to get more dragons for Viggo. Ryker and Ann were standing on the bow to search the ocean when suddenly, a dragon shot was fired and a dragon flew by the ship. "I'm here for my dragon!"

They heard the same girl scream and Ryker was surprised. "A Night Fury!" He laughed as more dragons came in for the attack. "Fire!" Ryker yelled and the men fired their munition, as well as Ann did. She got her bow ready to shoot any dragon that would come in for another attack. She fired almost all her arrows to the Night Fury, but the girl protected the dragon from them.

Then, the Gronckle came in, that was an easy one to take down. An arrow was shot, hit the dragon and it fell to the deck. Some men got the dragon and the boy that was taking care over it. "You monster." He said to Ryker. "Take 'em below and toss them in a cell." Ryker ordered. "You are not going to believe that acting, right?" Ann asked him and Ryker laughed. "Hahaha, of course not, sis. Look out!" He yelled and pulled Ann away from where she was standing.

A plasma blast was shot by the Night Fury very close to them and almost hit Ann. "What I could get for that Night Fury." He growled. The fight continued with a boulder being fired at the Night Fury, which fell from the sky and a girl fell off. The same girl which belonged with the Nadder. The Hunters got her and pulled her in.

Meanwhile, Ann heard something was happening in the cell compartment of the ship, but she couldn't place what. "Ryker, something is going on down deck." "Don't worry about that, sis. The men surely have everything under control." He said with a smile. The girl was lifted up the ship and was taken on board. "Hey, come on! Let me go. Let go of me!" "Ow, feisty one, aren't you?" Ryker messed with her as the girl got herself free from the men's grip and charged towards Ryker with quite the battle cry.

He blocked her attack and hit her in the face, pushing her back into the arms of the men again. "I like her spirit. Throw her in a cell." He ordered. "You're gonna be sorry, you're messing with the wrong Vikings." "Well, so are you." They spoke while Ann warned him. "Ryker, I hear something coming." She said when the dragons which were brought down below cracked through the door.

"Stormfly!" The girl shouted and ran to the Nadder. They tried to escape and Ann had her bow ready again, but Ryker ordered the bola to be fired. The bola's were wrapped around the legs of the dragons and the other riders were flying into a trap. Ann shot multiple arrows and hit the Zippleback and the Nightmare. The Nightmare got away, thanks to the help of the Night Fury.

Back on the ship, Ryker talked to the Riders. "Your pathetic tricks won't work on me. I'm a Dragon Hunter, I know that Gronckles are immune to Dragon Root. I used your worthless escape plan to lure your friends in closer." He said as the twins fell to the ocean. "Get them on board!" Ann ordered.

The four of them were brought back to the cell compartment and tossed in a cell. "Where are our dragons? What did you do to them?" The feisty one yelled. "Well, if I were you, I'd worry about yourself?" Ryker pointed put to the blonde haired girl. The girl suddenly saw someone familiar. "Heather? Run!" She yelled at Heather, but her brother took the word.

"Surprise! Did you miss me? Of course you did. Ow, do you know my sister? Wait a minute, sure you do! You were all palls and buddy buddies." He laughed and that drew Ann's attention. "Hey, family is family." Heather spoke. "I can't believe this, Heather." "I know it's not Dragons Edge, but it'll have to do. Enjoy your new home, Astrid. You're gonna be here a while." Heather said as the cell was closed and walked away.

Ann heard they said they used to be friends with them, so she decided to bring it to Ryker's attention about it. "Let's take them in for a talk. If you say they were friends before, then we just can't trust this situation completely." Ryker told her and she nodded before they got the Berserkers in.

Ann took the word to talk to them. "I have heard that you know these teenagers. How?" She spoke directly. "They took me in for a while when my parents were captured by Alvin. They taught me how to train dragons and I used it to train Windshear." Heather spoke.

"They did? Well, our father, Oswald the Agreeable, chief of the Berserkers, had a good relationship with their chief. Stoick the Vast and Hiccup, the son of, is my brother from another mother! We were close." Dagur said. "Right, and what about the boy on the Night Fury? And who are these kids anyway and where are they from?" Ann pushed.

"The boy on the Night Fury is Hiccup, the one on the Nightmare is Snotlout, the Nadder is Astrid, the Gronckle is Fishlegs and the twins from the Zippleback are Ruffnut and Tuffnut. They are all from the island of Berk." Heather answered.

"Berk, you say?" Ryker said. "I've heard about that island. They ride dragons there like no one has ever seen, right?" He asked. "Yes, and if I'm correct, Hiccup is the one who defeated the Red Death." Ann thought out loud. "Anyway, just don't try to mess around here. You know how hard we will punish you both if you're trying something. Now leave!" Ann ordered and the two Berserkers left.

"Ryker, I still don't trust this." "Just relax, sis. I have everything under control, don't you worry about them." He calmed her and gave her a hug. The night fell and Ann and Ryker continued to work through the night.

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