003 - one last time | j.jk

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alternatively called Will You Love Me Tomorrow?

↳ alternatively called Will You Love Me Tomorrow?

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PAIRING: Jeon Jungkook × Reader

GENRE: angst, smut

SUMMARY: With teary Jeon Jungkook and memories crashing, leaving had never been harder.

WARNING: oral sex (m/f), penetration, overstimulation. this entire fic was for angsty smut.

WORD COUNT: 5.6k words.

6k words

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You stare at the door as long as you knew. You are stark mad. You are absolutely crazy, but love makes people do crazy things. You are confused, lost and heartbroken.

You insert the duplicate key you had into the keyhole and opened the door to the abode you called home, not because it was four walls that provided you shelter but because Jeon Jungkook lived there.

It was the spring of 2016 when you had fallen in love with this man - the entirety of this man with a crooked smile as cute as that of a bunny's. He stood before a cherry blossom tree with two cones of ice cream. He had asked you out on a date - "Let's watch cherry blossoms together, Y/N," - and you agreed with not much reluctance.

It was a gradual fall from there. Every small action of Jungkook's made you fall for him harder and the fall was steep. You toppled and tumbled happily but the impact of the crash was hard.

It was hard enough for you to have forgotten what breathing was. It was claustrophobic in a room that was wider than an average one. Jeon Jungkook seemed to have no time for you. So caught up with his own life and to sort that got out, he took out his anger at you when he screwed up a test - almost as if that was normal. Funnily, you thought it was normal.

Jungkook loved you. Jungkook loves you. There was no way anything could have changed. But where in the world did you go wrong? How did your relationship reach this stage?

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