Chapter 10: A Prick's Mission

Start from the beginning

This was who I am. I don't know if I could change my entire essence. However, I looked over at Velvet to see her pleading eyes. She was the first person I've really cared for ever since my parents died. Velvet had put through my shit and constant denial, yet still cares for me. The least I could do is show some restraint.

"Fine, but only a little." I agreed. Velvet smiled and hugged me tightly.

Velvet:"Thank you!" She beamed with happiness. I cracked a little smile and messed with her rabbit ears. She then started squirming and blushing.

Velvet:"S-Stop! I-I'm sensitive there!" She begged. I then gently stroked her ears, and she hummed in satisfaction.

"Better?" I questioned, and Velvet nodded. She then let me go and looked at me.

Velvet:"So, what brings you here, aside from hanging out?" She asked curiously. I snapped my fingers and remembered what I wanted to tell her.

"Oh yeah! I wanted to crush the blonde with no balls' spirit!" I exclaimed in excitement. Velvet raised an eyebrow at my hypocrisy. I then pointed my finger at her.

"Hey. This was before he agreement, so it goes." I stated sternly. Velvet sighed and shook her head.

Velvet:"Fine. At least tell me about it, so I can possible minimize the damage." She requested. I nodded and told her the news.

"I'm dating Pyrrha!" I revealed.

Velvet POV:

Somewhere in the world of Remnant, glass shattered this very instant. I felt my world crumble, and my breath taken away. This news is giving me a heart attack.

"E-Excuse me?!?!?!" I shouted in disbelief. (Y/n) scratched his head and looked unsure about something.

(Y/n):"I could have worded that better, but I'm pretending to date Pyrrha. This is to make Jaune jealous, and to hook him up with the spartan." He clarified. I sighed in relief, but then grew confused.

"Wait? So you're doing this to help, Pyrrha?" I asked in surprise. (Y/n) nodded and shrugged.

(Y/n):"Yeah, but it's mostly for me. I want to see Jaune's look of despair when Pyrrha and you pretend to be in my fake harem." The (h/c) haired male revealed his true intentions. I rolled my eyes, but smiled a little. He actually is doing something nice, even though it's terrible at the same time.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I asked curiously.

(Y/n):"Pyrrha is going to pretend to like me. We'll do the whole relationship/couple things around him, until he gives up on, Snow Bitch." He explained. I nodded and understood the plan. However, there was one part that was bothering me.

"You said pretend, right? This is just so Pyrrha can get the guy she wants, and you can torture him?" I questioned with concern. (Y/n) nodded and then looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/n):"Yeah. Why do you ask?" He replied with curiosity. I shook my head and waved my hands.

"It's nothing. Just making sure." I assured. My boyfriend gave me a skeptical look before standing up.

(Y/n):"Alright. I'm going to head back to my hellhole of a team-"

"Wait! You have a team?!" I asked in shock. (Y/n) groaned in despair and nodded.

(Y/n):"Yeah. I swear Goodbitch spiked Ozzie's drink. Anyways, I'm off." He waved goodbye and was about to leave, but I called out to him.

"Wait!" (Y/n) turned around, and I walked over to him.

"Don't hide important stuff like that." I stated sternly. (Y/n) blew the raspberry and rolled his eyes.

(Y/n):"I doubt getting assigned to be escorted by a bunch of losers it important." He retorted. I continued to stare at him, until he gave in.

I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY ) Harem x A**hole Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now