Chapter 9: More Than A "Friend"

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A/n: New chapter. Sorry for the wait. Let's see how (Y/n)'s first steps into a relationship goes.

Tell me if you like this new writing style I'm trying out.

PS: Refer to my OC book for more in depth descriptions of my characters if you want.

(Y/n) POV:

It was the morning after I just kissed Velvet. Not to mention, we're in a relationship now. However, I was still very hesitant about the ordeal. The idea of showing love and kindness to someone was poisoning me. I find myself twitching or gagging at the thought to saying, I love you.

'The horror!' I thought to myself and walked down the empty Beacon halls. It was still early in the morning, and I left Velvet to sleep. Normally I would probably wake her up like an asshole I am, but her bunny charms were super effective. Faunus have a way. Most of them at least. I still hated Adam and wanted to rip his guts out.

This made my mood sour again. Thoughts of me potentially ending that goat's pitiful life filled my mind. However, it all slipped away because of Ruby and Blake. I scowled at the thought of those two ruining my plans, but I also felt a guilty feeling.

That night, I had almost killed them. My rage and thirst for blood clouded my mind. I was this close to ending those innocent people. Something that goes against my morals, and my parents' morals.

'What have I become?' I asked myself, as I dumped my leftover coffee in front of Team CDRL's dorm room. My empty mug sat in my hand, and I tossed it behind me. The door to Team CDRL opened, and I heard my mug shatter.

"Ouch! Fuck!" I heard Cardin scream in pain before slipping and falling. He fell and landed with a thud. I glanced back to see the bully already knocked out from mediocre methods. I scoffed and rounded the corner. One of the doors opened, and my eyes glanced to see who the room belonged to.

"Yay! A Saturday!" Ruby shouted loudly, as she jumped into the hallway. I froze and frantically looked around for any sort of cover. Ruby was still distracted by her own joy to notice me dashing around for a hiding spot. Eventually, I ran back around the corner and hid myself.

"Ruby. Please let us sleep in next time. We spent all night finding Blake and fighting-" Weiss was interrupted by Ruby shushing her in a not very hushed tone. I stealthily peered around the corner to observe the team of girls. Blake and Yang stepped into the hallway where the other two were already waiting.

"Oh well. At least we can finally spend some time together as a team again!" She beamed excitedly. I saw Blake smile weakly because it was mainly her fault in the previously mentioned situation.

"Yeah. I'll make it up to you guys with lunch. My treat." Blake told her friends in embarrassment. Yang smiled happily for her partner, while Weiss nodded in approval. Ruby was literally running up and down the walls and ceiling.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Can we get cookies!?!?" Ruby asked with inhuman desire. Blake smiled warmly at the young girl's antics before nodding. Ruby began celebrating, while her teammates laughed.

'Well they sure seem pretty good considering their brains were about to get blown out.' I thought to myself piqued by their overly cheerful attitudes. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, but I ignored them. Team RWBY began walking in another direction for which I'm thankful for. Then someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey!" I heard someone demand my attention. I looked behind me to see a Cardin fuming with rage. There were bits of my broken coffee mug on his face, and coffee covered his armor. It amused me.

I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY ) Harem x A**hole Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now