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He moistens his lips, watching every single characteristic of my face. He unbottons my nightshirt and then puts his hands behind my neck and then, passing through the collar he touches my neck.

I can't and I don't know how to react. Something, or someone in this case, Hoseok is so hypnotic that he forces me to remain in the chair even if I don't want to do so. But maybe that is what I really want, to stay with him. He's like a magnet which I'm attracted to.

I lay my head over his. Our noses touches lightly. He laughs. How can he have so much control? Between us there's nothing that really happened concretely and my breath is already precarious.

He leans his head and touches my lips with his in a very, very, slowly way. 

I've never kissed anyone in my life, nor made "love" with someone. And I can't say that this was a kiss. Honestly I want more. I want to try with him.  But his experience and my clumsiness bothers me. But what if I'm the only one that wants to do it? What if this scene is just a dream?

"H-Hoseok, I've never..."

I'm searching an explanation for...for what?

He gives me a fast kiss, interrupting me.

"Come at mine tonight"

"What?" I ask to confirm, amazed.

"Say to your parents that you're going at your friend's house" then he walks away. I already miss the proximity that was between us. He then caresses me. "Don't worry Jimin, everything will be alright" then he smiles. 


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