With Angel lying flat in the tub and him positioned where he could watch her as she received every inch of him, Cole proceeded to penetrate her with precision. He drove so deep into her center that a stream of tears broke free flooding her eyes.

Though her pain was masked in pleasure as her tears were hidden within the hot water rolling onto their bodies, her pleading became the fruit of the most exquisitely painful gratification. A tidal wave rolled between his form and hers with each push and every pull. Sex between the two of them built in on itself to create a power strong enough to fuel an explosion. In the midst of their battle, Angel wrapped her limbs around Cole possessively wrestling with his tongue as if she feared he would somehow disappear.

Every time Cole felt himself being swallowed in the pangs of their copulation, his woman willingly gave more of herself to him. 

It was his reality that he was skilled at dominating her body. Because Angel allowed him to take what he needed, she received the greatest reward of a perfect release. He had completely filled her until she signaled she could no longer take any more.

Cole came to his own end by pressing further tapping the source of her pleasure until there was nothing left in her. Once he had expended all of the aggression he needed to prompt a release, the ripples of a swell rolled from deep inside his belly spreading out to every inch of his body. Angel's eyes closed and all sound ceased as she fell beneath the wave of an orgasmic crescendo. Cole followed her into the wave as it crashed down on the both of them and pulled them under its tantric tide.

With nothing more to give the instant their lovemaking came to an end, long deep kisses were all there was left between the two because their souls were far too spent to do much else. In the end, it was the cold water that reminded them that they were still in the shower. Freezing from the lack of heat, the couple soaped one another up and rinsed off as quickly as possible. Like two silly teenagers, they laughed as the ice-cold water finally managed to rush them out of the bathroom.


Angel decided to avoid the question going forward.

She still hadn't told Cole about her suspicion after she chose to ignore his probing concerning her pregnancy some days before. Continuing on with her daily chores, she focused on their plan to drive to town as soon as the chores were done. Since it was late February, the air was a little on the icy side at times so she rushed to complete everything for fear that bad weather might roll in on them and delay the trip.

Angel rushed from one thing to the next fighting desperately to ignore the churning in her tummy. In no time, her rush to complete each task left her feeling faint. She made several vain attempts to hide the nausea-induced responses that threatened to expose her. In an effort to keep her suspicions to herself, she searched for a place out of Cole's sight to breathe and pull herself together, but it was already too late.

Cole walked by Angel and after taking one look at her face, he stopped her in her tracks. Anyone would be blind to not notice the gray pallor of her skin. Though she attempted to brush him off, it was easy to see that she appeared to be ill.

As Angel struck out past him, Cole turned in pursuit of her to investigate what had taken place. He caught up to her just in time to witness everything she had eaten that morning come up all at once. After she emptied her stomach, Cole noticed that it took some time for her to stop heaving and steady herself.

"Baby are you okay?" Cole gently pulled her into a close embrace as his voice cracked.

Since they met, he had yet to see her take ill. When Angel's eyes remained locked on the ground below her, he lifted her face to refocus her weary orbs on himself.

The Dividing Line: VENGEANCE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now