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"You still love him."

Khushi turn around in shock. Rajiv is standing behind her with crossed arms.


"Your heart is with him, not here." He declares firmly.

Khushi gulps in nervousness. Her eyes roams in different angle to avoid meeting his eyes.

"You're helpless seeing him lying on the hospital bed."

" are you saying? Nothing like that. I.. I feel sleepy..." She took a step to run away from the situation.

"You're doing the same mistake again. Running away from the problems. Running away from your own feelings."

She stilled in her place as he continues to speak.

"You want to be with him, beside him, aren't you?"

She thinned her lips to refrain herself from sobbing loudly.

"You aren't angry with him like you're presenting yourself."

" it." She says amidst of her myriad of emotions.

"You are guilty."

"YES.. I AM GUILTY. Guilty for ignoring his pleads. Guilty for leaving him. Is it enough now?." She shouts by breaking plethora of emotions.

She slouches down on the sofa, cupping her mouth, sobbing harshly. Rajiv sit beside her and put his hand on her head.

"Let it out Khushi. You can't suppress it more."

She sobbed nearly half an hour before lifting her puffy eyes to see him.

"I can't see him like this. He.. He is a man of arrogance and power. There isn't a day, I didn't curse him for the same. But now he isn't anything, I know him. He... His eyes always mirror his mind whereas his words always conveys his facade. Now... I don't know how to take this. From the start we're always Tom and Jerry. We used to fight on each and everything. Infact we would find new reasons to fight. It took long, too long to accept that I started to like him. Same with him. He isn't a person who's vocal about his feelings. But his eyes gives way to all. Amidst of all the fights, we started to admit there is something between us. That something brought us together during jiji wedding. He was so nice, much more like my prince charming, I dreamt of. I was almost sure, we would end up together soon. But never thought that would be due to contract marriage. I thought he wrote the message on the mirror and gone to terrace. I was waiting for his proposal. I thought that would be the best day on my life which turned out to be the worst at the end of the day. Worst that still it pains. The prince charming took a back seat. Our lives changed drastically. The intensity of hate manifolds from his end. Apart from that, family also not supportive. Everything crushed my dreams. Still, I lived the hell and made his hell to by doing all the things he hate. One day he revealed the reason behind our contract marriage.

I was devastated. The person I thought loves me was the one who thought so low of me. It broke me much than his contract marriage. He didn't even once thought to ask my side of story. He directly jumped into conclusion. Still, I tolerated him and tried to prove my innocence. But... Kidnapping happened. He confessed his feelings for the first time and that was the last time too. Shyam was thrown out, di was broken. He turned soft towards me like those time in jiji wedding rituals. Seems like devimaaiyaa was not happy with my happiness. On the same night, he dragged me to poolside and shouted right on my face that I am biggest mistake of his life. How can he? I... Words would be less, If I want to express my grief. That was the last straw. My belief broken on the term love. I realised I WILL NEVER BE HIS PRIORITY, NOR I HAVE ANY RESPECT IN HIS LIFE. It's not like I want his di place. As a wife, at least I can expect pure love from my husband right. But all he gave was accusations and insults from the start even before marriage and even after his confession. I realised Beast and Angels will end up together in stories only.

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