“Miss, are you ready to take off?” a hostess asked.

            “Give me a few minutes,” I said waving her off. I grabbed the envelope and tore it open.

Dear Daisy,

            I love you. I don’t know how many more times or ways I can say it to you so that you can understand. I. Love. You. I love you so much that even the thought of living the rest of my life without you hurts. It just, my head hurts, my chest hurts and I feel like I want to throw up. Everything hurts. And I know we’ve only been together for two months but those two months have been the best of my life. And even if you don’t come back I will forever remember these two months because they were amazing and beautiful and because I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the planet. Because I had the grand pleasure of getting to know you. So please don’t go. Don’t run. I don’t care that you can’t have kids. I just want you. We can babysit for Perrie and Zayn and Louis and Hope. I talked to Jade and Harry and we have dibs on godparents when they start having kids, we just need to organise an ‘accident’ – I’m thinking car crash – and then the kids are all ours. We don’t need kids to be happy, we just need each other. This is me begging you to come back so we can give this relationship a chance because when I’m with you I just know that it’s real and when it’s real you can’t walk away. So don’t walk away. Come back to me.

But if you do want to walk away from this – which I think is a terrible idea – I accept your choice because it was your choice to make. And if this letter is the last we ever get to speak, then I hope you find happiness in the future even if it’s not with me, I hope you’re happy. And if we ever meet again, I’ll probably sigh and think ‘I can’t believe I let her go’ because even if you’re wearing sweats and a hoodie you’ll still be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen but I’ll just smile at you and wave and then we’ll probably never see each other again.

But I hope that’s not the case and that my theory is true. You see, I have this theory that you just need me to fight for you. I don’t think anyone’s fought for you your entire life. I think it’s always been you against the world. You against your parents. You had Jane and Peter but they never fought for you. They just cleaned up your battle scars and gave you the strength you needed to soldier on. It was you against your manager and record label. You fight for yourself. My theory is that all your fight is gone, so I’m putting all of mine in this because I believe that we were meant to be.

I love you.


P.S. the plane has an explosive on it so you might not want to catch it.

P.S.S. I lied the plane is fine. I just need you to come back.

I sighed and fiddled with the letter. Somewhere along the way tears started to fall and I smiled. I looked out the window and the plane was moving.

            “I thought I said to give me a couple of minutes! Why is this damn plane moving?” I snapped getting out of my seat.

            “Miss, we’re getting ready for take off. You need to sit back down.”

            “I’m not going anywhere. Now let me off the plane before I get all your arses fired!”

I took a taxi back to the resort and left my bags and suitcases at the reception desk. The lady behind it tried to protest but I shut her up with a one hundred dollar bill. Then I started roaming the resort looking for Liam.

It was midday so he could’ve been anywhere. I checked the dining hall, the restaurants, the pub and then finally the beach. The beach was the same as usual. Families, couples or groups of friends littered the beach with towels and pieces of clothing and sun umbrellas. People dug holes or built sandcastles, some were lying on colourful towels with their eyes closed, tanning in the bright sun. Some families were eating fresh fruit out of an iced esky and some young group of friends were drinking chilled beers whilst they watched a friendly match of volleyball they had set up.

It was a typical day at the beach for them but for me this day was going to be extraordinary. My eyes scanned passed all these different groups of people until I found the person I yearned for.

Liam was standing by the pier just watching the water. His hair was dishevelled and he was wearing a white shirt and his hands were in the pockets of the three-quarter jeans he was wearing. His feet were half buried in the drying sand. He must’ve been standing in that spot for a while because the waves were now washing up a good meter and a half in front of him now.

I stopped for a moment just to watch him for a minute and then I smiled. Why admire something from a distance when you could admire something up close?

My feet made squelching noises in the sand as I walked over to him. I still had the letter clutched in my hand though it was a bit crumpled up now. A certain nervousness had settled in my stomach and for some reason my palms started to feel sweaty. As I approached closer to him he must have heard me coming because he turned around.

A huge smile spread across his face, and even though I knew it would be the most movie, cliché move out, I ran into his outstretched arms and he lifted me off the ground and spun me around before setting me back on the sand. I leaned back a little so I could see him properly.

            “You are such a hopeless romantic,” I muttered with a laugh and Liam did too. His eyes crinkled and I knew everything was going to be okay.

            “It got me you, didn’t it?” Liam asked and I laughed.

            “I love you.”

            “I love you too, even though you can be too stubborn for your own good sometimes.”

            “You couldn’t just leave it at ‘I love you’ could you?”


            “I love you,” I said again and before he could say anything, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. My arms wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around my waist so tightly that I lifted off the ground slightly and everything felt right in the world again. It didn’t feel like the universe was trying to play some big joke on me. It didn’t feel as though I was being crushed under a weight of shattered hope. It didn’t feel like my life completely sucked. For once in my life I knew everything would be okay and maybe that’s all I really needed in the first place.






A/N: Hi Everyone!!! So this is the last chapter but there will be an epilogue posted soon, like really soon!!!

So PLEASE VOTE or COMMENT if you like this chapter!!! P.S. the more votes the quicker I post the epilogue :)

I just want to say thank you for reading, voting and commenting! I know I don't comment on comments you guys post often but I do read every single one of them and they never fail to make my day! So thank you so much for sticking with me on this, to be cliché, journey!!


-Natalie xx

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