Chapter 19:

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            “I mean what am I even meant to do with a kid – two kids?” I asked Beth as I packed a beach bag.

            “They aren’t going to eat you alive. Just play with them.”

It had been a few days since the break up and Beth said she was doing alright but I wasn’t so sure. Her face had become kind of hollow and she wasn’t eating as much. I watched as she emotionlessly watched the TV that was playing a rerun of How I Met Your Mother. She wasn’t even laughing at the funny jokes. This wasn’t Beth at all. Usually I was praying for her to be quiet only now did I realise how much I loved her bubbly, talkative nature. Jason really screwed her up. I sighed and when and sat next to her. I wrapped her up in a nice, big hug.

            “Are you sure you don’t want to come? Perrie and Zayn will be there too with Alexa and Ariana and I think it’ll be good for you to get some sun.”

            “I’m fine,” she said icily and I sighed. I stayed hugging her for an extra second so she would know that she is loved before getting up again.

            “Don’t eat all the chocolate or else me and you will start having problems,” I warned.

            “It’s not the chocolate you should be worried about.”

            “What should I be worried about?”

            “The alcohol.”

            “Beth,” I sighed. I felt so helpless. I couldn’t help her unless she wanted me to help her and she didn’t want me to help her yet. It was so infuriatingly frustrating.

            “Just go,” she said in that same monotone voice, “I’ll see you when you get back.” Her face didn’t leave the TV and I sighed defeated before turning and leaving.


I met up with Liam at the dining hall. He was already there with Sophie and Connor and if I was being honest they looked a little more … sloppy without their mother’s touch. Sophie’s hair looked as though it hadn’t seen a brush all morning and her clothes were a little rumpled, Liam must not have laid them out last night. Connor looked much the same as Sophie, rumpled clothes and dishevelled hair but also he wasn’t wearing any shoes. I smiled as I watched Liam try to get Connor to eat his food but he seemed content on playing his Nintendo. Kids these days didn’t know how to have fun.

I walked over and snatched the game out of Connor’s hands from behind him.

            “Hey!” he said and tried to grab it off me but I held my hand in the air and switched the game off.

            “You’ll get it back once you eat,” I told him. He looked at me suspiciously so I crossed my heart and said, “I promise.”

            “Fine,” Connor said and he started eating the toasted sandwich that had laid forgotten on his plate.

Liam groaned and mouthed ‘thank you’ at me and I mouthed back ‘no worries’. I was used to doing stuff like that to Noah. The amount of times I’ve had to turn the TV off or confiscate his soccer ball just so he could eat was uncountable and as much as it hurt to admit, I only saw him a few times a year.

            “Where’s Zayn and Perrie?” I asked Liam as I pecked his cheek and sat down between Liam and Connor. Liam immediately grabbed my hand and I squeezed it in response and then he was rubbing circles into my hand again. I smiled slyly at the ticklish feel.

            “Running late but they said they’ll be here soon,” Liam said. “Sleep okay?”

            “Hmm, could’ve slept better but the spirit of you will have to do,” I shrugged and Liam laughed. “You?”

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