twenty three • morning glory

Start from the beginning

Gray would tell me off. He knows I have this stupid paranoia that everyone smaller than me is judging me for my size and he's called me out on it before, but I can't help it.

But Liam's mom isn't judging me. She's beaming as though I haven't seen her naked, and she laughs when she says, "We meet again!" When she steps to the side, I see that Daria is hiding behind her like a shy kitten, and she dashes behind her mom again.

"I'm so sorry," I blurt out, tugging my top to cover more of me. "I didn't know you were in there and the door was open and ... oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to just stand there, but I honestly would've wet myself if I moved.

She laughs and puts her hand on Daria's shoulder and she just smiles, shaking her head. "Totally my fault, honey. I forgot you were coming, else I'd have shut the door. My boys are always telling me to shut the door." Daria scampers off upstairs and her mother rolls her eyes at the kid.

Her southern accent is like a hug, thick and smooth and warm, and totally un-Liam. I love the way she says my name. I love the way he says it too, in his all-American accent, but I think I might love his mom's Alabama twang more.

"Still, I'm sorry. It's not the best way to meet. I, uh, I'm Storie, I guess," I say, kicking myself for my awkwardness. I put out my hand, but she pulls me into a hug. She's a really good hugger.

"It's so nice to meet you at last, Storie," she says, letting me go after a few seconds.

"It's really nice to meet you too, Mrs ... Alexandrov?"

"Sanders, actually," she says. "I'm Allie. Well, Alexandria, so you can see why I was a little reticent when it came to taking my husband's name." Everything about her is so homey that I can feel my awkwardness slipping off like I'm shedding a skin. "I'm so glad Liam brought you over. I've been dying to meet you, though I guess it's kinda overwhelming when there are so many of us."

I tuck my hair behind my ears and nod. "Yeah, it's a lot, but I like it," I say. "I wish I had siblings."

"Well, that little munchkin was Daria, my little scaredy-cat," she says, nodding in the direction that Daria ran, "and this little munchkin-" she pats her stomach "- is Katia. Or Talia. We haven't decided yet. Maybe just yet another wine-induced surprise."

"Oh my God!" My eyes pop. Liam never mentioned that. "Congratulations! Wow. I had no idea."

"Liam didn't tell you?"

"No! He never said a thing!" My eyebrows won't come down and it's hard to reign in my shock. "Wow. No, Liam didn't tell me."

There are footsteps behind me, then an arm around my waist and lips on my cheek, and Liam's heady scent fills me. He smells of sleep and boy and the faintest hint of his aftershave, and I want to curl up in him.

"What didn't I tell you?" he asks, holding me close. I tip my head back against his chest, staring up at him.

"You never mentioned that you're gonna have another sister!"

He frowns down at me then up at his mom. "Wait, what? I'm having another sister? You're pregnant, Mom?"

"I told you, sweetie," Allie says. "I'm sure I did!"

He laughs and lets go of me. I might've put my foot in it. "I think I'd remember if you told me you were pregnant," he says. I can't tell if he's annoyed but then he pulls his mom into a tight hug, his height dwarfing her, and I hear him murmur his congratulations.

He quizzes her for a moment before returning to my side, and he looks genuinely excited. I love to see that brightness in his eyes, and I love how natural it feels when he slips his arm around me, and when I sink against his warm, bare chest, he kisses the top of my head.

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