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CIA headquarters, Texas:

Washington told us to abandon the asylum, to stabilize the rifts and dispose of the witnesses.

The order came after we'd discovered that there were inter dimensional whirlpools opening up around the country and all files related to the operation were incinerated.

We'd closed the one in the asylum- or so we thought at the time.

All witnesses were dumped in the same room which contained the rift and left to die and all asylum patients were relocated.


(Wolf's POV)

I hurried down the metal staircase, on edge. Every single muscle in my body twitched at the slightest creak and a part of me wished I'd stop descending into the room. Knowing full well that there was no escape if something happened, I'd closed the heavy metal door behind me.

All my fears were confirmed.

The result of their inhumane experiments lay in front of me, stripped down to the core.

This was why they'd abandoned the asylum.

This was what cost me my job.

The lab was in disrepair: lit only by the faint, dying glow of the portal beyond the glass.

For the first time in my life, I feared the unknown.

I couldn't really wrap my head around what I was witnessing, What looked like dozens of figures suspended in the air, held together by a cobweb like material.

I squinted at them, trying to make out what they were. My heart was still beating unnaturally fast: I could almost hear it in the dead silence.

Then it crawled in.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the creature I'd seen and tried to kill.

Ducking behind a desk- which still allowed me to get a clear view of what it was doing I

watched in horror as it raised its claw and tore open the silk-like covering around one of the figures, a human.

It inched closer to her as she screamed in pure agony- the screams of someone who saw death itself.

I had to do something, I wasn't going to let this thing kill her.

I pulled my handgun out- which I'd bought several days before I'd decided to break into the damned place, I wanted to make sure that I didn't go down without a fight and rushed the creature, only to find that the door separating me from it was key card activated.

I scrambled for some way to bust it open, all the while the screams got louder.

Rummaging through the place I found a red button under the console.

I knew I shouldn't press it at the time, yet I still did.

Fingers crossed, I pushed it- and waited...


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